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3461 저널기사 "Valuing" Corporate Governance: an introduction 미리보기
Pitelis, C.; Clarke, T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
3462 저널기사 Valuing Credit Derivatives Using Gaussian Quadrature: A Stochastic Volatility Framework 미리보기
Tahani, N. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2004
3463 저널기사 Valuing Credit Derivatives Using Gaussian Quadrature: A Stochastic Volatility Framework/ 미리보기
Tahani, N Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia Univ 2004
3464 저널기사 Valuing Credit Spreads on Quality Australian Dollar Eurobonds in a Multivariate EGARCH Framework 미리보기
Batten, J.; Hogan, W.; In, F. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
3465 저널기사 Valuing cultural heritage in a multi-attribute framework microeconomic perspectives and policy implications 미리보기
Mazzanti, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
3466 저널기사 Valuing Customer Portfolios with Endogenous Mass and Direct Marketing Interventions Using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Decomposition 미리보기
Esteban-Bravo, M.; Vidal-Sanz, J.M.; Yildirim, G. Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 2014
3467 저널기사 Valuing Customers and Loyalty: The Rhetoric of Customer Focus Versus the Reality of Alienation and Exclusion of (Devalued) Customers 미리보기
3468 저널기사 Valuing customers for social network services 미리보기
Joo, Y. H.; Kim, Y.; Yang, S. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
3469 저널기사 Valuing deer hunting ecosystem services from farm landscapes 미리보기
Knoche, S.; Lupi, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
3470 저널기사 Valuing Derivatives: Funding Value Adjustments and Fair Value 미리보기
Hull, J.; White, A. C F A Institute 2014
3471 저널기사 Valuing Diversity 미리보기
Fryer, R.G.; Loury, G.C. University of Chicago Press 2013
3472 저널기사 Valuing diversity: a group-value approach to understanding the importance of organizational efforts to support diversity 미리보기
Triana, M. d.; Garcia, M. F. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
3473 저널기사 Valuing Diversity in All Forms in International Courts 미리보기
Josephine Jarpa Dawuni The Society 2018
3474 저널기사 Valuing Diversity: The Case of Pregnant Working Women in the United States 미리보기
3475 저널기사 Valuing ecosystem and economic services across land-use scenarios in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Dakotas, USA 미리보기
Gascoigne, W. R.; Hoag, D.; Koontz, L.; Tangen, B. A.; Shaffer, T. L.; Gleason, R. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
3476 저널기사 Valuing ecosystem goods and services: a new approach using a surrogate market and the combination of a multiple criteria analysis and a Delphi panel to assign weights to the attributes 미리보기
Curtis, I. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
3477 저널기사 Valuing ecosystem services: A shadow price for net primary production 미리보기
Richmond, A.; Kaufmann, R. K.; Myneni, R. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
3478 저널기사 Valuing ecosystem services from wetlands restoration in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley 미리보기
Jenkins, W. A.; Murray, B. C.; Kramer, R. A.; Faulkner, S. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
3479 저널기사 Valuing ecosystem services on the basis of service-providing units: A potential approach to address the endpoint problem and improve stated preference methods 미리보기
Kontogianni, A.; Luck, G. W.; Skourtos, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
3480 저널기사 Valuing education: Critical thinking 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2010
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