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3501 저널기사 Valuing Flexible Manufacturing Facilities as Options 미리보기
Chen, A. H. J A I PRESS INC 1998
3502 저널기사 Valuing flood disasters using the life satisfaction approach 미리보기
Luechinger, S.; Raschky, P. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
3503 저널기사 Valuing Food Safety and Nutrition, edited by Julie A. Caswell 미리보기
Fisher, A Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 1980
3504 저널기사 Valuing Food Safety and Nutrition, edited by Julie A. Caswell 미리보기
Fisher, A. 00 1996
3505 저널기사 Valuing Food Safety in Experimental Auction Markets 미리보기
3506 저널기사 Valuing food safety in experimental auction markets 미리보기
Hayes, Dermot J American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
3507 저널기사 Valuing fuel diversification in power generation capacity planning 미리보기
Sunderkotter, M.; Weber, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
3508 저널기사 Valuing future development rights: The costs of conservation easements 미리보기
Anderson, K.; Weinhold, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
3509 저널기사 Valuing future life and future lives: A framework for understanding discounting 미리보기
Frederick, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3510 저널기사 Valuing future private and social benefits: The discounted utility model versus hyperbolic discounting models 미리보기
Cairns, J. ELSEVIER 2000
3511 저널기사 Valuing futures and options on volatility 미리보기
Gruenbichler, A. ELSEVIER 1996
3512 저널기사 Valuing genetic resources in peasant economies: the case of `hairless' creole pigs in Yucatan 미리보기
Scarpa, R.; Drucker, A. G.; Anderson, S.; Ferraes-Ehuan, N.; Gomez, V.; Risopatron, C. R.; Rubio-Leonel, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
3513 저널기사 Valuing Gifts of Interests in Closely Held Businesses 미리보기
Streer, P. CPA JOURNAL 1999
3514 저널기사 Valuing Grassland Restoration: Proximity and Trade-offs 미리보기
Dissanayake, S.T.M.; Ando, A.W. University of Wisconsin 2014
3515 저널기사 Valuing Grid Capacity Requires Data-Intensive Simulation Modeling 미리보기
Riker, D.; Shavel, I. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3516 저널기사 Valuing Health - A "Priceless" Commodity. 미리보기
Fuchs Victor R. ; Zeckhauser Richard American Economic Assonication
3517 저널기사 Valuing Health Care: Costs, Benefits and Effetiveness of Pharmaceuticalsand Other Medical Technologies, Frank Sloan 미리보기
Meltzer, D Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 1980
3518 저널기사 Valuing Health Care: Costs, Benefits and Effetiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Other Medical Technologies, Frank Sloan 미리보기
Meltzer, D. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1996
3519 저널기사 Valuing Health Care edited by Frank A. Sloan 미리보기
Wells, B. P American Risk and Insurance Association 1980
3520 저널기사 Valuing health care using willingness to pay: a comparison of the payment card and dichotomous choice methods 미리보기
Ryan, M.; Scott, D. A.; Donaldson, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
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