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3701 저널기사 Valuing Water Used for Food Production in India 미리보기
Kokila Jayaram;V.C Mathur New Delhi Publishers 2015
3702 저널기사 Valuing wetland attributes: an application of choice experiments 미리보기
Carlsson, F.; Frykblom, P.; Liljenstolpe, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
3703 저널기사 Valuing Women as Counsel in International Adjudication 미리보기
Kate Parlett The Society 2018
3704 저널기사 Val Verde Basin: Thrusted Strawn (Pennsylvanian) Carbonate Reservoirs, Pakenham Field Area 미리보기
Montgomery, S. L American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1980
3705 저널기사 Valve repair in mitral regurgitation complicated by severe annulus calcification 미리보기
Ng, Choi-Keung Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2000
3706 저널기사 Valve Requirements for "Backpressure," "Flow," and "Cycle Change" Control in Thermal Storage Systems 미리보기
Feeny, R. E American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1980
3707 저널기사 Valve-sparing aortic root reconstruction with a valveless aortic allograft/ 미리보기
Schoof, P. H C.V. Mosby 2003
3708 저널기사 Valve-sparing aortic root replacement (remodeling/reimplantation) in acute type A dissection/ 미리보기
Leyh, Rainer G Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2000
3709 저널기사 Valve-Sparing Procedure for Dilatation of the Autologous Pulmonary Artery and Ascending Aorta After the Ross Operation/ 미리보기
Masetti, P Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
3710 저널기사 Valvular and Congenital Heart Disease - Atrial endocardial changes in mitral valve disease: A scanning electron microscopy study/ 미리보기
Goldsmith, Ira C. V. Mosby Co 2000
3711 저널기사 Valvular and thoracic aortic calcium as a marker of the extent and severity of angiographic coronary artery disease/ 미리보기
Yamamoto, H C. V. Mosby Co 2003
3712 저널기사 Valvular Heart Disease/ 미리보기
Rahimtoola, Shahbudin H American Heart Association, etc.] 2000
3713 저널기사 Valvular Heart Disease/ 미리보기
Bashore, T. M Elsevier Science Pub 2003
3714 저널기사 Valvular Heart Operation Is an Independent Risk Factor for Acute Renal Failure/ 미리보기
Grayson, A. D Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
3715 저널기사 Vam10p defines a Sec18p-independent step of priming that allows yeast vacuole tethering/ 미리보기
Kato, M National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
3716 저널기사 Vam2/Vps41p and Vam6/Vps39p Are Components of a Protein Complex on the Vacuolar Membranes and Involved in the Vacuolar Assembly in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Nakamura, N American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
3717 저널기사 VAMBERY, "Travels in Central Asia" (Book Review) 미리보기
WIDMER, ERIC Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1971
3718 저널기사 V.A.Medical Care Program 미리보기
American Medical Association 1957
3719 저널기사 Vamp/Synaptobrevin Isoforms 1 and 2 Are Widely and Differentially Expressed In Nonneuronal Tissues 미리보기
Rossetto, O Rockefeller University Press 1980
3720 저널기사 Vanadate, But Not Insulin, Inhibits Insulin Receptor Gene Expression in Rat Hepatoma Cells 미리보기
Bortoli, S Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 1980
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