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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3901 저널기사 VAN WINDEN (F. A. A. M.). On the Interaction Between State and Private Sector. A Study In Political Economics 미리보기
Vani Borooah;; unknown 1984
3902 저널기사 van Wormer, K., Counseling Female Offenders and Victims: A Strengths-Restorative Approach/ 미리보기
Crawford, M Mrs. C. Dave 2003
3903 저널기사 Van Wyhe, The Struggle for Status: A History of Accounting Education 미리보기
JAMES DON EDWARDS;; unknown 1995
3904 저널기사 Van Wyhe, The Struggle for Status: A History of Accounting Education 미리보기
3905 저널기사 VAN ZANDT, "Pioneer American Merchants in Japan" (Book Review) 미리보기
HUDDLESTON, JACKSON N.$cJR Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1982
3906 저널기사 VAN ZILE, "Dance in India" (Book Review) 미리보기
BLANK, JUDITH Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1977
3907 단행본 VAN:付加價値通信網 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
花岡菖著 日刊工業新聞社 1984
3908 저널기사 Vapiano SE 미리보기
Christoph Schlienkamp Trede & Co. 2018
3909 저널기사 Vapor and liquid flow in an asymmetrical fiat plate heat pipe: a three-dimensional analytical and numerical investigation 미리보기
Zhu, N Pergamon Press 1980
3910 저널기사 Vapor and Particle Phase Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Air/ 미리보기
Talebi, S. M Springer-Verlag 1900
3911 저널기사 Vapor Grown Carbon Fibers From Benzene Pyrolysis: Filament Length Distributions 미리보기
Jayasankar, M Pergamon Press 1996
3912 저널기사 Vapor-grown carbon fibers (VGCFs) - Basic properties and their battery applications/ 미리보기
Endo, M Pergamon Press 2001
3913 저널기사 Vapor heat capacities of (acetic acid + 4-methyl-2-pentanone) at atmospheric pressure 미리보기
Shao, S Academic Press 1980
3914 저널기사 Vaporization and atomization of neodymium in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 미리보기
Byrne, J. P Pergamon Press 1980
3915 저널기사 Vaporization and Corrosion of Refractories in the Presence of Pressurized Pulverized Coal Combustion Slag/ 미리보기
Biedenkopf, Peter 2001
3916 저널기사 Vaporization of a liquid drop suddenly exposed to a high-speed airstream 미리보기
Joseph, D. D Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
3917 저널기사 Vaporization of aluminum by 50 ps KrF laser pulses 미리보기
Tsui, Y. Y American Institute of Physics 1980
3918 저널기사 Vaporization of heated materials into discharge plasmas/ 미리보기
Keidar, Michael American Institute of Physics 2001
3919 저널기사 Vaporization of indium nitrate in the graphite tube atomizer in the presence of chemical modifiers/ 미리보기
Mofolo, Rita M Pergamon Press 2001
3920 저널기사 Vaporization of LaCrO~3: Partial and Integral Thermodynamic Properties 미리보기
Peck, D.-H American Ceramic Society 1980
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