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3941 저널기사 Vapor Pressure of Allyl Isothiocyanate and Its Transport in PVDC/PVC Copolymer Packaging Film 미리보기
Lim, L.-T The Institute 1997
3942 저널기사 Vapor pressure of partially deuterated methanes (CH~3D, CH~2D~2, and CHD~3) 미리보기
Calado, J. C. G American Institute of Physics 1980
3943 저널기사 Vapor pressures of the polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and the polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)/ 미리보기
Mader, B. T Pergamon 2003
3944 저널기사 Vapors and Their Routine Measurement / 미리보기
Drinker, Philip 1940
3945 저널기사 Vapor-Sorption Equilibria for 4-Vinylpyridine-Based Copolymer and Cross-Linked Polymer/Alcohol Systems. Effect of "Intramolecular Repulsion"/ 미리보기
Fornasiero, Francesco American Chemical Society 2000
3946 저널기사 Vapor transport of trichloroethylene in the unsaturated zone: Field and numerical modeling investigations 미리보기
Conant, B. H American Geophysical Union 1980
3947 저널기사 Vaporware, Suddenware, and Trueware: New Product Preannouncements Under Market Uncertainty 미리보기
Ofek, E.; Turut, O. Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 2013
3948 저널기사 (Vapour + liquid) equilibria in (N-methylformamide + ethanol + water) atthe temperature 313.15 K 미리보기
Zielkiewicz, J Academic Press 1980
3949 저널기사 (Vapour + liquid) equilibria in (N-methylformamide + methanol - water) at the temperature 313.15 K 미리보기
Zielkiewicz, J Academic Press 1980
3950 저널기사 (Vapour+liquid) equilibria of (alkoxyalkanes+alkanes, or o-xylene, or water, or methanol) for ether mole fractions 0 to 0.5, between temperatures293 K and 323 K 미리보기
Clark, A. Q Academic Press 1980
3951 저널기사 Vapour deposited cone formation during fabrication of low voltage field emitter array cathodes 미리보기
Hill, D. N Chapman and Hall 1996
3952 저널기사 Vapour generation-Fourier transform infrared spectrometric determinationof benzene, toluene and methyl tert.-butyl ether in gasolines 미리보기
Lopez-Anreus, E Elsevier Pub. Co 1996
3953 저널기사 Vapour-liquid equilibria for some binary and ternary polymer solutions 미리보기
Tanbonliong, J. O Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
3954 저널기사 Vapour-liquid equilibria of concentrated poly(styrene-co-butadiene) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) solutions 미리보기
Wohlfarth, C Huthig & Wepf 1980
3955 저널기사 Vapour permeation for the recovery of organic solvents from waste air streams: separation capacities and process optimization 미리보기
Leemann, M Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
3956 저널기사 Vapour-phase reduction and the synthesis of boron-based ceramic phases: Part II The synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride phase 미리보기
Su Jong Yoon Chapman and Hall 1996
3957 저널기사 Vapour pressure curves obtained from different equations of state - a quantitative analysis 미리보기
Cuadros, F Pergamon Press 1980
3958 저널기사 Vapour pressure of liquid deuterium sulphide 미리보기
Lopes, J. N. C Academic Press 1980
3959 저널기사 Vapour pressure of SO~2 above solutions of sulphur(IV) oxospecies: the effects of chloride ion and glycerol 미리보기
Wedzicha, B. L Applied Science Publishers 1996
3960 저널기사 Vapour pressures and activity coefficients at infinite dilution of (water + pyridine, or 2-methylpyridine, or 3-ethylpyridine, or 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine) at T = 353.15 K 미리보기
Gieryez, P Academic Press 1980
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