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3981 저널기사 Variability and a vanishing YSO in the Serpens cloud core 미리보기
Horrobin, M. J Springer-Verlag 1997
3982 저널기사 Variability and capture efficiency of bongo and Tucker trawl samplers inthe collection of ichthyoplankton and other macrozooplankton 미리보기
Pepin, P National Research Council Canada 1980
3983 저널기사 Variability and Determinants of Total Homocysteine Concentrations in Plasma in an Elderly Population 미리보기
Clarke, R American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
3984 저널기사 Variability and Growth in Production of Wheat in India 미리보기
Ankita Sahu;Sunil Nahatkar;Prasanna Kolar New Delhi Publishers 2020
3985 저널기사 Variability and Inflation: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries 미리보기
3986 저널기사 Variability and nature of the binary in the Red Rectangle nebula 미리보기
Waelkens, C Springer-Verlag 1996
3987 저널기사 Variability and relationships among 12-hour IVDMD, starch, oil, protein, and physical characteristics of 16 sorghum conversion lines/ 미리보기
Pedersen, J. F M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2003
3988 저널기사 Variability and Uncertainty in Swedish Exposure Factors for Use in Quantitative Exposure Assessments 미리보기
Filipsson, M.; Oberg, T.; Bergback, B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
3989 저널기사 Variability and Uncertainty Meet Risk Management and Risk Communication 미리보기
3990 저널기사 Variability and validity of polymorphism association studies in Parkinson's disease/ 미리보기
Tan, E K Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2000
3991 저널기사 Variability between silver thiosulfate and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid applications in prolonging bract longevity of potted bougainvillea/ 미리보기
Chang, Y-S International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
3992 저널기사 Variability for root and shoot traits in a maize population grown in hydroponics and in the field and their relationships with vertical root pulling resistance./ 미리보기
Landi, P Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura, Section of Bergamo, Italy 2001
3993 저널기사 Variability functions for parametric-decomposition approximations of queuing networks 미리보기
Whitt, Ward Institute of Management Sciences 1995
3994 저널기사 Variability in Arctic sea ice optical properties 미리보기
Perovich, D. K William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
3995 저널기사 Variability in Automatic Activation as an Unobtrusive Measure of Racial Attitudes: A Bona Fide Pipeline? 미리보기
Fazio, R. H American Psychological Association 1980
3996 저널기사 Variability in boundary layer structure during HAPEX-Sahel wet-dry season transition 미리보기
Wai, M. M.-K Elsevier, etc 1980
3997 저널기사 Variability in Carbon Isotopic Fractionation during Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Implications for Field Applications/ 미리보기
Slater, Gregory F American Chemical Society 2001
3998 저널기사 Variability in Cholesterol Measurements: Comparison of Calculated and Direct LDL Cholesterol Determinations 미리보기
Schectman, G American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
3999 저널기사 Variability in chromosomes, herb yield, essential oil content and potentials of horehound for North American commercial production 미리보기
Letchamo, W Headley Brothers 1997
4000 저널기사 Variability in coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) Chlorophyll imagery of ocean margin waters off the US East Coast/ 미리보기
Yoder, J A Pergamon Press 2001
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