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4061 저널기사 Variability of competitive performance of distance runners/ 미리보기
Hopkins, William G American College of Sports Medicine] 2001
4062 저널기사 Variability of copepods of the genus Acartia in the north-west Pacific / 미리보기
Popova, E. V Nauka 1993
4063 저널기사 Variability of decisional ability and the essential order of decision rules 미리보기
Karotkin, D. ELSEVIER 1994
4064 저널기사 Variability of Durable and Nondurable Consumption: Evidence for Six O.E.C.D. Countries 미리보기
Gali, J. ELSEVIER 1993
4065 저널기사 Variability of Economic Well-being and Its Determinants 미리보기
Smith James D ; Morgan James N. American Economic Assonication
4066 저널기사 Variability of Energy Metabolism and Nuclear T~3-Receptors Within the Skeletal Muscle Tissue of Pigs Different with Respect to the Halothane Gene 미리보기
Geers, R American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1998
4067 저널기사 Variability of essential oils of Satureja montana L. and Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb. ex Heuff. from the central part of the Balkan peninsula/ 미리보기
Slavkovska, Violeta Pergamon Press 2001
4068 저널기사 Variability of essential oils of Thymus caespititius from Portugal 미리보기
Salgueiro, L. R Pergamon Press 1997
4069 저널기사 Variability of EUV-spectra from the quiet upper solar atmosphere: Intensity and Doppler shift/ 미리보기
Brkovic, A Springer-Verlag 2003
4070 저널기사 Variability of faint ROSAT field sources 미리보기
Nicholson, K. L Priestley and Weale 1980
4071 저널기사 Variability of Field-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in a Hagerstown Soil as Affected by Initial Water Content 미리보기
Jabro, J. D Williams & Wilkins Co 1996
4072 저널기사 Variability of gene expression in transgenic tobacco 미리보기
Mannerloef, M M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1998
4073 저널기사 Variability of geographically distinct isolates of maize rayado fino virus in Latin America 미리보기
Hammond, R. W Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4074 저널기사 Variability of Glutathione Levels in Normal Breast Tissue and Subcutaneous Fat during the Menstrual Cycle: An in Vivo Study with Microdialysis Technique 미리보기
Dabrosin, C Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
4075 저널기사 Variability of Glutathione S-Transferase Levels and Dimethenamid Tolerance in Safener-Treated Wheat and Wheat Relatives 미리보기
Riechers, D. E Academic Press 1980
4076 저널기사 Variability of Hazardous Air Pollutants in an Urban Area 미리보기
Spicer, C. W Pergamon 1996
4077 저널기사 Variability of indicator values for ozone production sensitivity: a model study in Switzerland and San Joaquin Valley (California)/ 미리보기
Andreani-Aksoyoglu, Sebnem Pergamon 2001
4078 저널기사 Variability of luminous blue variables. II. Parameter study of the typical LBV variations 미리보기
De Koter, A Springer-Verlag 1996
4079 저널기사 Variability of measured resting metabolic rate/ 미리보기
Haugen, H. A Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc 2003
4080 저널기사 Variability of metal resistance in Acer pseudoplatanus L. sycamore; callus tissue of different origins 미리보기
Watmough, S. A Pergamon Press 1980
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