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4141 저널기사 Variable (CA/GT)~n simple sequence repeat DNA in the alga Chlamydomonas 미리보기
Kang, T.-J Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 1997
4142 저널기사 Variable capacity utilization, ambient temperature shocks and generation asset valuation 미리보기
Tseng, C. L.; Zhu, W.; Dmitriev, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
4143 저널기사 Variable capital utilization and international business cycles 미리보기
Baxter, M.; Farr, D. D. North-Holland 2005
4144 저널기사 Variable central stars of young planetary nebulae. I. Photometric multisite observations of IC 418 미리보기
Handler, G Springer-Verlag 1997
4145 저널기사 Variable Control of a Batch Retort and Process Simulation for Optimization Studies 미리보기
Fastag, J Food & Nutrition Press 1996
4146 저널기사 Variable-Control Stillhead for Laboratory Columns / 미리보기
Rothmann, S.C American Chemical Society 1933
4147 저널기사 Variable cosmological constant as a Planck scale effect 미리보기
Shapiro, I. L North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
4148 저널기사 Variable Cost Allocation in a Principal/Agent Setting 미리보기
ROBERT P. MAGEE ;; unknown 1988
4149 저널기사 Variable Costs and the Visible Hand: the Re-Regulation of Electricity Supply, 1932-37 미리보기
Foreman-Peck, J. S. unknown 1997
4150 저널기사 Variable Costs and the Visible Hand:the Re-Regulation of Electricity Supply,1932-37 미리보기
James S. Foreman-Peck ;Christopher j. Hammond; unknown 1997
4151 저널기사 Variable cross section pultrusion/ 미리보기
Craftsman Publications] 2000
4152 저널기사 Variable deep structure of a midcontinent fault and fold zone from seismic reflection: La Salle deformation belt, Illinois basin 미리보기
McBride, J. H The Society 1980
4153 저널기사 Variable density effects in axisymmetric isothermal turbulent jets: a comparison between a first- and a second-order turbulence model 미리보기
Sanders, J. P. H Pergamon Press 1980
4154 저널기사 Variable-density flow in the midcontinent basins and arches region of the United States 미리보기
Gupta, N American Geophysical Union 1980
4155 저널기사 Variable Density Fluid Turbulence. P Chassaing, RA Antonia, F Anselmet, L Joly, and S Sarkar/ 미리보기
Verzicco, R American Society of Mechanical Engineers] 2003
4156 저널기사 Variable-dose (1017-1020cm-3) phosphorus ion implantation into 4H-SiC/ 미리보기
Handy, Evan M American Institute of Physics 2000
4157 저널기사 Variable Dose-Response Relationship between Exercise Training and Performance/ 미리보기
Busso, T American College of Sports Medicine] 2003
4158 저널기사 Variable Dust Features in Infrared Spectra of Au CYGNI 미리보기
Little-Marenin, I. R Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4159 저널기사 Variable effects of click polarity on auditory brain-stem response latencies: Analyses of narrow-band ABRs suggest possible explanations 미리보기
Don, M American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
4160 저널기사 Variable Efficiency of a Ti Plasmid-Encoded VirA Protein in Different Agrobacterial Hosts 미리보기
Belanger, C American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
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