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4201 저널기사 Variable Pay and Collective Bargaining in British Retail Banking 미리보기
Arrowsmith, J.; Marginson, P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
4202 저널기사 Variable pay as a risky choice: Determinants of the relative attractiveness of incentive plans 미리보기
Kuhn, K. M.; Yockey, M. D. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 2003
4203 저널기사 Variable payment schemes and industrial relations 미리보기
Heywood, John S A. Francke AG 1998
4204 저널기사 Variable Payment Schemes and Industrial Relations: Evidence from Germany 미리보기
4205 저널기사 Variable Phenotype of Alzheimer's Disease with Spastic Paraparesis/ 미리보기
Smith, Margaret J 2001
4206 저널기사 Variable Phenotypic Expression and Extensive Tau Pathology in Two Families with the Novel tau Mutation L315R/ 미리보기
van Herpen, E Little, Brown and Co.] 2003
4207 저널기사 Variable polarization in the optical afterglow of GRB 021004/ 미리보기
Rol, E Springer-Verlag 2003
4208 저널기사 Variable population size issues in models of decentralized income redistribution 미리보기
Wagener, A. ELSEVIER 2000
4209 저널기사 Variable Price Adjustment Costs 미리보기
Konieczny, J. D. ECONOMIC INQUIRY 1993
4210 저널기사 Variable pricing: an integrated airline pricing and revenue management model 미리보기
Miju Ahn ; Xiaodong Luo ; Sergey Shebalov Henry Stewart Pub. 2020
4211 저널기사 Variable priority dispatching rules: An analytical approach 미리보기
Agliari, A.;Diligenti, M.;Zavanella, L. Elsevier 1995
4212 저널기사 Variable range hopping and spin-dependent hopping resistance in magnetic iron oxide films/ 미리보기
Tang, Jinke North-Holland 2000
4213 저널기사 Variable range hopping conduction in Gd1/3Sr2/3FeO3 미리보기
Jung, Woo-Hwan 2001
4214 저널기사 Variable range hopping conduction in LaC~2, CeC~2, or GdC~2 crystals encapsulated carbon nanocages 미리보기
Yosida, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
4215 저널기사 Variable-range hopping conductivity and magnetoresistance in n-CuGaSe2/ 미리보기
Lisunov, K G American Institute of Physics 2000
4216 저널기사 Variable-range hopping conductivity in thin film of the ladder compound [Ca~1~-~d~e~l~t~aCu~2O~3]~4/ 미리보기
Lisunov, K. G American Institute of Physics 2003
4217 저널기사 Variable range hopping in finite one-dimensional and anisotropic two-dimensional systems/ 미리보기
Nguyen, V. L North-Holland 1900
4218 저널기사 Variable rational partisan cycles and electoral uncertainty 미리보기
Berlemann, M.; Markwardt, G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
4219 저널기사 Variable reduction, sample selection bias and bank retail credit scoring 미리보기
Marshall, A.; Tang, L.; Milne, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
4220 저널기사 Variable returns to agglomeration and the effect of road traffic congestion 미리보기
Graham, D. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2007
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