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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4221 저널기사 Variable Returns to Scale in Production and Patterns of Specialization. 미리보기
Panagariya Arvind American Economic Assonication
4222 저널기사 Variables Affecting NO~x Formation in Lean-Premixed Combustion (95-GT-107) 미리보기
Steele, R. C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
4223 저널기사 Variables Affecting Success in Economic Education: Preliminary Findings from a New Data Base. 미리보기
Baumol William J. ; Highsmith Robert J. American Economic Assonication
4224 저널기사 Variable sampling interval X control charts with an improved switching rule 미리보기
4225 저널기사 Variables Associated with Export Profitability 미리보기
Warren J. Bilkey Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
4226 저널기사 Variable scale filtered Navier-Stokes equations: A new procedure to deal with the associated commutation error/ 미리보기
Iovieno, M American Institute of Physics 2003
4227 저널기사 Variables Differentiating University Women Considering Role-Sharing and Conventional Dual-Career Marriages 미리보기
Hallett, M. B. ACADEMIC PRESS 1997
4228 저널기사 Variables Differentiating University Women Considering Role-Sharing and Conventional Dual-Career Marriages 미리보기
Hallett, M. B Academic Press 1997
4229 저널기사 Variable selection and functional form uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions 미리보기
Salimans, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
4230 저널기사 Variable selection and oversampling in the use of smooth support vector machines for predicting the default risk of companies 미리보기
Hardle, W.; Lee, Y. J.; Schafer, D.; Yeh, Y. R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
4231 저널기사 Variable selection, estimation and inference for multi-period forecasting problems 미리보기
Pesaran, M. H.; Pick, A.; Timmermann, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
4232 저널기사 Variable Selection for Discrimination Among Several Populations 미리보기
Chatterjee, S. K Marcel Dekker, inc.] 1980
4233 저널기사 Variable selection in classification of environmental soil samples for partial least square and neural network models/ 미리보기
Ramadan, Ziad Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
4234 저널기사 Variable selection in STAR models with neighbourhood effects using genetic algorithms 미리보기
Alberto, I.; Beamonte, A. n.; Gargallo, P.; Mateo, P. M.; Salvador, M. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
4235 저널기사 Variable selection methods for multi-class classification using signomial function 미리보기
Hwang, Kyoungmi; Lee, Kyungsik; Park, Sungsoo Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2017
4236 저널기사 Variable set semantics for keyed generalized sketches: formal semantics for object identity and abstract syntax for conceptual modeling/ 미리보기
Diskin, Z North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers 2003
4237 저널기사 Variables indicating the cost of vapour-liquid equilibrium separation processes 미리보기
Jobson, M Pergamon Press 1980
4238 저널기사 Variables of Interest in Exploring the Reflective Outcomes of Network-Based Communication/ 미리보기
Hawkes, Mark International Association for Computing in Education 2001
4239 저널기사 Variable Spacial and Seasonal Hazards of Airborne Radon 미리보기
Mose, D. G Pergamon 1997
4240 저널기사 Variable spectral response photodetector based on crystalline/amorphous silicon heterostructure 미리보기
De Cesare, G North-Holland 1980
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