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4281 저널기사 Variance Bounds in a Simple Model of Asset Pricing 미리보기
Ronald W. Michener University of Chicago Press
4282 저널기사 Variance bounds on the permanent and transitory components of stochastic discount factors 미리보기
Bakshi, G.; Chabi-Yo, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
4283 저널기사 Variance Bounds Test of Volatility Expectations in Eurodollar Futures Options Markets 미리보기
Kwanho Kim ; Wantanee Poonvoralak People and Global Business Association; School of Business, Indiana State University, 2019
4284 저널기사 Variance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models 미리보기
Allan W. Kleidon University of Chicago Press
4285 저널기사 Variance Component Estimation and Multitrait Genetic Evaluation for TypeTraits of Dairy Goats 미리보기
Luo, M. F American Dairy Science Association 1997
4286 저널기사 Variance component testing in generalised linear models with random effects 미리보기
Lin, X Cambridge University Press 1980
4287 저널기사 Variance dynamics: Joint evidence from options and high-frequency returns 미리보기
Wu, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
4288 저널기사 Variance effective population size based on multilocus gamete frequencies in coniferous populations: an example of a Scots pine clonal seed orchard 미리보기
Burczyk, J Oliver and Boyd 1996
4289 저널기사 Variance Effects in Cyclic Production Systems 미리보기
Debashish Sarkar ; Willard I. Zangwill I N F O R M S
4290 저널기사 Variance Estimates in Models with the Box-Cox Transformation: Implications for Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 미리보기
John J. Spitzer M I T Press
4291 저널기사 Variance estimation for a low income proportion/ 미리보기
Berger, Y. G Royal Statistical Society [etc.] 2003
4292 저널기사 Variance Estimation for Generalized Entropy and Atkinson Inequality Indices: the Complex Survey Data Case 미리보기
Biewen, M.; Jenkins, S. P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
4293 저널기사 Variance expressions for spectra estimated using auto-regressions 미리보기
Xie, L. L.; Ljung, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
4294 저널기사 Variance imaging in radio astronomy 미리보기
Crawford, D. F Priestley and Weale 1980
4295 저널기사 Variance increases following large stock distributions: the role of changing bid-ask spreads and true variances 미리보기
Peterson, D. R. ELSEVIER 1994
4296 저널기사 Variance in residential property valuation in Lagos, Nigeria 미리보기
Babawale, G. K.; Ajayi, C. A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
4297 저널기사 Variance laws for inventory management 미리보기
Boylan, J. E.;Johnston, F. R. Elsevier Science 1994
4298 저널기사 Variance laws for inventory management 미리보기
Boylan, J.E Elsevier 1996
4299 저널기사 Variance of X-ray Intensities 미리보기
WILSON, A.J.C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1978
4300 저널기사 Variance properties of Solow's productivity residual and their cyclical implications 미리보기
Finn, M. G. ELSEVIER 1995
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