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4321 저널기사 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Australian blood donors: estimation of risk and the impact of deferral strategies/ 미리보기
Correll, P K New York [etc.] 2001
4322 저널기사 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: pathology, epidemiology, and public health implications/ 미리보기
Trevitt, C. R Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc 2003
4323 저널기사 Variant Exons v6 and v7 Together Expand the Repertoire of Glycosaminoglycans Bound by CD44 미리보기
Sleeman, J. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
4324 저널기사 Variant Expression of CD44 in Preneoplastic Lesions of the Lung/ 미리보기
Wimmel, Anja Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2001
4325 저널기사 Variant forms of alpha-fetoprotein transcripts expressed in human hematopoietic progenitors. Implications for their developmental potential towards endoderm 미리보기
Kubota, H.; Storms, R. W.; Reid, L. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4326 저널기사 Variant fountain theorems and their applications/ 미리보기
Zou, Wenming 2001
4327 저널기사 Variant intra Philadelphia translocation with rearrangement of BCR-ABL and ABL-BCR within the same chromosome in a patient with cALL/ 미리보기
Edelh�user, Martin Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2001
4328 저널기사 Variant LTC4 synthase allele modifies cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis in eosinophils and predicts clinical response to zafirlukast/ 미리보기
Sampson, A P British Medical Association 2000
4329 저널기사 Variant minihelix RNAs reveal sequence-specific recognition of the helical tRNA^s^e^r acceptor stem by E.coli seryl-tRNA synthetase 미리보기
Saks, M. E Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
4330 저널기사 Variant mitochondrial transcripts of a broad bean line are associated with two point mutations located upstream of the nad5 exon c 미리보기
Scheepers, D Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd 1980
4331 저널기사 Variants in the Human Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein 2 Gene in Obese Subjects 미리보기
Sipilaeinen, R Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
4332 저널기사 Variants of agency contracts in family-financed ventures as a continuum of familial altruistic and market rationalities 미리보기
Steier, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
4333 저널기사 Variants of de-growth and deliberative democracy: A Habermasian proposal 미리보기
Ott, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
4334 저널기사 Variants of DNA Polymerase beta Extend Mispaired DNA Due to Increased Affinity for Nucleotide Substrate/ 미리보기
Shah, A. M American Chemical Society 2003
4335 저널기사 Variants of fin tail spottedy in asiatic pink salmon during the final stage of marine migrations / 미리보기
Malinina, M. E Nauka 1996
4336 저널기사 Variants of Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator That Display ExtraordinaryResistance to Inhibition by the Serpin Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 미리보기
Tachias, K American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
4337 저널기사 Variants of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Modify the Efficacy of Statin Therapy and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events/ 미리보기
Boekholdt, S. M American Heart Association, etc.] 2003
4338 저널기사 Variants of transparency: an analysis of the English Local Government Transparency Code 2015 미리보기
Oztoprak, Abdullah Abid; Ruijer, Erna Frank Cass 2016
4339 저널기사 Variants within the 5'-flanking region and the intron I of the bovine growth hormone gene 미리보기
Hecht, C Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1996
4340 저널기사 Variant-Triggered Multiple-Based Probabilistic Valuation Model (VTMP) for Private Equity Investments 미리보기
Sharma, Manu Institutional Investor 2019
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