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4361 저널기사 Variational energy band theory for polarons: Mapping polaron structure with the global-local method 미리보기
Brown, D. W American Institute of Physics 1980
4362 저널기사 Variational energy band theory for polarons: Mapping polaron structure with the Merrifield method 미리보기
Zhao, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
4363 저널기사 Variational energy band theory for polarons: Mapping polaron structure with the Toyozawa method 미리보기
Zhao, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
4364 저널기사 Variational energy spectra of relativistic Hamiltonians 미리보기
Moshinsky, M The Institute of Physics 1980
4365 저널기사 Variational estimates of changes in neutral-plasma reaction rates 미리보기
Stacey, W. M American Institute of Physics 1980
4366 저널기사 Variational Extension of the Mean Spherical Approximation to Arbitrary Dimensions 미리보기
Frisch, H. L. Velazquez, E. S. Blum, L. Plenum Press 1997
4367 저널기사 Variational formula for the free energy based on incomplete sampling in a molecular simulation (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Lu, N Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
4368 저널기사 Variational Formulation for Optimal Multi-Cycle Deep Drilling of Small Holes 미리보기
Zakovorotny, V. L American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
4369 저널기사 Variational formulation of a moment problem quantization method 미리보기
Handy, C. R American Institute of Physics 1980
4370 저널기사 Variational inequalities in the analysis and computation of multi-sector, multi-instrument financial equilibria 미리보기
Nagurney, A. ELSEVIER 1994
4371 저널기사 Variational inequality formulation of the system-optimal travel choice problem and efficient congestion tolls for a general transportation network with multiple time periods 미리보기
Liu, L. N.; Boyce, D. E. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
4372 저널기사 Variational Inequality Problems with a Continuum of Solutions: Existence and Computation/ 미리보기
Herings, P Jean-Jacques Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2001
4373 저널기사 Variational iterative method for scattering problems 미리보기
Adhikari, S. K. North Holland 1996
4374 저널기사 Variational measure and sufficient differentiability condition of additive interval function 미리보기
Skvortsov, V. A Allerton Press, inc. [etc.] 1980
4375 저널기사 Variational measures in the theory of the integration in Rm 미리보기
4376 저널기사 Variational method and duality in the 2D square Potts model 미리보기
Angelini, L The Institute of Physics 1980
4377 저널기사 Variational method for solving non-linear problems of unsteady-state heat conduction 미리보기
Bondarev, V. A Pergamon Press 1980
4378 저널기사 Variational method for the generation of localized Wannier functions on the basis of Bloch functions (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Smirnov, V P Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
4379 저널기사 Variational method: How it can generate false instabilities 미리보기
Kaup, D. J American Institute of Physics 1980
4380 저널기사 Variational methods for constrained polymer dynamics 미리보기
Koch, M The Institute of Physics 1980
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