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421 저널기사 A Vorticity-Magnetic Field Dynamo Instability 미리보기
Blackman, E. G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
422 저널기사 A Vorticity-Streamfunction Formulation for Steady Incompressible Two-dimensional Flows 미리보기
Chaviaropoulos, P Wiley 1980
423 저널기사 A Vo-Tech School Introduces CAD Instruction / 미리보기
Dickinson 1985
424 저널기사 A vote for animal health and welfare? 미리보기
The Association 1997
425 저널기사 A Voter Among Voters: Political Decisions in the Social Context. 미리보기
Orhun, Yesim Association for Consumer Research 2010
426 저널기사 A votre sante! 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2013
427 저널기사 A Voyage Round Economics: The New Palgrave Dictionaries of Economics, and Money and Finance 미리보기
BAILEY, R. E.;; unknown 1994
428 저널기사 A Voyage Round Economics: The New Palgrave Dictionaries of Economics, and Money and Finance 미리보기
Bailey, R. E. BLACKWELL 1994
429 저널기사 A v-SNARE Implicated in Intra-Golgi Transport 미리보기
Nagahama, M Rockefeller University Press 1980
430 저널기사 The v~1 + v~1~0 - v~1~0 hot band in propyne studied in a bimolecular seeded jet 미리보기
Oomens, J. Reuss, J. North Holland 1996
431 저널기사 The v~1 band in N~2O~3 미리보기
Perrin, A. Lievin, J. Georges, R. Herman, M. North Holland 1996
432 저널기사 The V^3^+ center in AlN 미리보기
Thurian, P American Institute of Physics 1980
433 저널기사 The v~3 infrared spectrum of the He-NH^+~4 complex 미리보기
Nizkorodov, S. A. Bieske, E. J. Dopfer, O. Meuwly, M. North Holland 1996
434 저널기사 The v~6, v~7, v~8 and v~1~9 gas phase fundamental frequencies of ^1^2C~6H~6 미리보기
Cane, E. Trombetti, A. Miani, A. North Holland 1997
435 저널기사 The vacation farm sector in Saskatchewan: a profile of operations 미리보기
Weaver, D. B Butterworths 1997
436 저널기사 The vacation farm sector in Saskatchewan: a profile of operations 미리보기
437 저널기사 The vacation of modal wave numbers with geoacoustic parameters in layered media 미리보기
Kessel, R. T American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
438 저널기사 The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the "Opening" of Japan - By Ann Jannetta 미리보기
Otsubo, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
439 저널기사 The Vaccine Crossroads/ 미리보기
Wilson, J. F American College of Physicians] 2003
440 저널기사 The Vaccine Revolution How mRNA Can Stop the Next Pandemic Before It Starts 미리보기
Lurie, Nicole; Cramer, Jakob P.; Hatchett, Richard J. Council on Foreign Relations] 2021
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