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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4381 저널기사 Variational model for ionomeric polymer-metal composite/ 미리보기
He, J. H Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
4382 저널기사 Variational Monte Carlo calculations of ~Λ^5He hypernucleus (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Usmani, A. A Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
4383 저널기사 Variational Monte Carlo Studies of the Rate of Transmission of an AtomicHelium Beam through a Slab of Superfluid Helium by a Condensate MediatedProcess 미리보기
Setty, A. K American Physical Society 1980
4384 저널기사 Variational Monte Carlo Study of an Interacting Electron-Phonon Model 미리보기
Alder, B. J American Physical Society 1980
4385 저널기사 Variational Monte Carlo study of the superconducting condensation energy on the dependence of ?p-?d in the two-dimensional d-p model/ 미리보기
Koike, S North-Holland 2003
4386 저널기사 Variational perturbation calculations for the phase diagram of systems with short-ranged interactions 미리보기
Hasegawa, M American Institute of Physics 1980
4387 저널기사 Variational predictability of diabatic, adiabatic or impossible diatomicstates 미리보기
Bacalis, N. C IOP Pub 1980
4388 저널기사 Variational Principle for Eigenvalue Problems of Hamiltonian Systems 미리보기
Benguria, R. D American Physical Society 1980
4389 저널기사 Variational principle for slender flux tubes. Part I. General equations and added mass effects 미리보기
Achterberg, A Springer-Verlag 1996
4390 저널기사 Variational principle for slender flux tubes. Part II. Stability of fluxtubes in a disk 미리보기
Achterberg, A Springer-Verlag 1996
4391 저널기사 Variational principle for the chemical potential in the Thomas-Fermi model 미리보기
Benguria, R. D The Institute of Physics 1980
4392 저널기사 Variational Principles Developed for and Applied to Analysis of Stochastic Beams 미리보기
Elishakoff, I American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
4393 저널기사 Variational Principles for Stellar Structure 미리보기
Kennedy, D. C Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4394 저널기사 Variational Problem of Water-Level Stabilization in Open Channels 미리보기
Atanov, G. A American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
4395 저널기사 Variational quantum Monte Carlo calculations for solid surfaces (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Bahnsen, R 2001
4396 저널기사 Variational Rayleigh iteration 미리보기
Killingbeck, J. P. Jolicard, G. North Holland 1996
4397 저널기사 Variational Scheme for the Mott Transition/ 미리보기
Baeriswyl, D Plenum Press 2000
4398 저널기사 Variational schemes in the Fokker-Planck equation 미리보기
Blum, T The Institute of Physics 1980
4399 저널기사 Variational self-consistent estimates for texture evolution in viscoplastic polycrystals/ 미리보기
Liu, Y Elsevier Science 2003
4400 저널기사 Variational statistical theory for microcanonical ensemble and the linear surprisal in chemical reaction dynamics/ 미리보기
Takatsuka, Kazuo North Holland 2001
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