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4401 저널기사 Variational structure for dissipationless linear drift-wave equations 미리보기
Brizard, A. J American Institute of Physics 1980
4402 저널기사 Variational study of bound states in the Higgs model (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Siringo, Fabio Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
4403 저널기사 Variational study of steady flows stability in incompressible fluids/ 미리보기
Sicardi-Schifino, A C; Gonz�lez, Rafael Sarasua, L G North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
4404 저널기사 Variational study of the one-dimensional t-J-V model/ 미리보기
Su, Gang North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
4405 저널기사 Variational thermomechanical processes and chemical reactions in distributed systems 미리보기
Sieniutycz, S Pergamon Press 1980
4406 저널기사 Variational transition state theory for electron transfer reactions in solution 미리보기
Benjamin, I American Institute of Physics 1980
4407 저널기사 Variation among slash pine families in chlorophyll fluorescence traits/ 미리보기
Koehn, A. C National Research Council of Canada 2003
4408 저널기사 Variation and covaration of agronomic traits and quality in triticale atlow nitrogen input 미리보기
Oettler, G P. Parey 1996
4409 저널기사 Variation and inheritarice of erucic acid content in Brassica carinata germplasm collections from Ethiopia/ 미리보기
Alemayehu, N P. Parey 2001
4410 저널기사 Variation and Range of Mercury Uptake into Plants at a Mercury-Contaminated Abandoned Mine Site 미리보기
Ellis, R. W Springer-Verlag 1980
4411 저널기사 Variation and variability in Cladonia section Perviae 미리보기
Hammer, S New York Botanical Garden 1980
4412 저널기사 Variation between and within broomrape (Orobanche) species revealed by RAPD markers 미리보기
Paran, I Oliver and Boyd 1997
4413 저널기사 Variation between and within Ethiopian barley landraces 미리보기
Alemayehu, F M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
4414 저널기사 Variation between observed and true Terminal Restriction Fragment length is dependent on true TRF length and purine content/ 미리보기
Kaplan, C. W Elsevier Biomedical 2003
4415 저널기사 Variation Between Single Tree Progenies of Fagus sylvatica in Seed Traits, and its Implications for Effective Population Numbers/ 미리보기
Thomsen, K. A J. D. Sauerlander's Verlag 2003
4416 저널기사 Variation, co-ordination and compensation in root systems in relation tosoil variability 미리보기
Robinson, D M. Nijhoff 1980
4417 저널기사 Variation for agronomic and processing traits in Solanum tuberosum haploids x wild species hybrids 미리보기
Serquen, F. C M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
4418 저널기사 Variation for agronomic characteristics in Crambe hispanica, a wild relative of Crambe abyssinica 미리보기
Mulder, J. H M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
4419 저널기사 Variation for resistance to Puccinia hordel in Ethiopian barley landraces 미리보기
Alemayehu, F M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
4420 저널기사 Variation homological diagrams,and corner singularities/ 미리보기
Szpirglas, Aviva 2001
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