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4421 저널기사 Variation in Abundance and Feeding Impact of Tarnished Plant Bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) for Different Cultivars of Strawberry: Role of Flowering Phenology and Yield Attributes/ 미리보기
Rhainds, M Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
4422 저널기사 Variation in acquisition of soil phosphorus among wheat and barley genotypes 미리보기
Gahoonia, T. S M. Nijhoff 1980
4423 저널기사 Variation in activity of root extracellular phytase between genotypes ofbarley 미리보기
Asmar, F M. Nijhoff 1980
4424 저널기사 Variation in Adrenergic Regulation of Lipolysis Between Omental and Subcutaneous Adipocytes from Obese and Non-Obese Men 미리보기
Hoffstedt, J Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
4425 저널기사 Variation in adult life history and morphology among Lake Washington sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in relation to habitat features and ancestral affinities 미리보기
Hendry, A. P National Research Council Canada 1980
4426 저널기사 Variation in Adult Populations of the Potato Leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and Feeding Injury Among Clones of Red Maple 미리보기
Bentz, J.-A Entomological Society of America 1980
4427 저널기사 Variation in African-American Homicide Rates: An Assessment of Potential Explanations 미리보기
4428 저널기사 Variation in African-American homicide rates: An assessment of potential explanations* 미리보기
Phillips, Julie A American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1997
4429 저널기사 Variation in amino acid epimerization rates and amino acid composition among shell layers in the bivalve Chione from the Gulf of California 미리보기
Goodfriend, G. A Pergamon Press 1980
4430 저널기사 Variation in annual egg production in individual captive Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 미리보기
Kjesbu, O. S National Research Council Canada 1980
4431 저널기사 Variation in assimilating functions occurs in spontaneous Candida albicans mutants having chromosomal alterations 미리보기
Rustchenko, E. P Society for General Microbiology 1980
4432 저널기사 Variation in body size and life history traits in Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii from a latitudinal cline in eastern Australia/ 미리보기
Loeschcke, Volker Oliver and Boyd 2000
4433 저널기사 Variation in Budburst Phenology of Douglas-fir Related to Western Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Fitness/ 미리보기
Chen, Z Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
4434 저널기사 Variation in Calcium Concentration among Sixty S~I Families and Four Cultivars of Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 미리보기
Quintana, J. M American Society for Horticultural Science] 1996
4435 저널기사 Variation in calculated effective source-surface distances with depth 미리보기
Ostwald, P. M Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
4436 저널기사 Variation in Cancer Risk Estimates for Exposure to Powerline Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: A Meta-Analysis Comparing EMF Measurement Methods 미리보기
4437 저널기사 Variation in canopy openness and light transmission following selection cutting in northern hardwood stands: an assessment based on hemispherical photographs/ 미리보기
Beaudet, Marilou Elsevier 2002
4438 저널기사 Variation in cetostearyl alcohol and lecithin from different sources: Evaluation by dielectric analysis 미리보기
Rowe, R. C Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
4439 저널기사 Variation in clinical decision making is a partial explanation for geographical variation in lower extremity amputation rates/ 미리보기
Connelly, J Butterworth Scientific LTD 2001
4440 저널기사 Variation in cold tolerance and spring growth among Italian white clover populations/ 미리보기
Annicchiarico, Paolo M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2001
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