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4481 저널기사 Variation in ozone sensitivity among clones of Betula pendula and Betulapubescens 미리보기
Paeaekkoenen, E Elsevier Applied Science Publishers 1980
4482 저널기사 Variation in Parent Use of Information and Communications Technology: Does Quantity Matter? 미리보기
Walker, S. K.; Dworkin, J.; Connell, J. SAGE PERIODICALS PRESS 2011
4483 저널기사 Variation in persistency of lactation yield in Jersey x Hariana cows 미리보기
Singh, S. R Indian Dairy Science Association 1980
4484 저널기사 Variation in physicians' definitions of the competent parent and other barriers to guideline adherence: the case of pediatric minor head injury management/ 미리보기
Sobo, E. J Pergamon 2003
4485 저널기사 Variation in plasma amino acid concentrations during a cycling competition/ 미리보기
Medelli, J Minerva Medica 2003
4486 저널기사 Variation in policy success: radical right populism and migration policy 미리보기
Lutz, Philipp F. Cass 2019
4487 저널기사 Variation in pollinator abundance and selection on fragrance phenotypes in an epiphytic orchid 미리보기
Ackerman, J. D Botanical Society of America] 1980
4488 저널기사 Variation in postoperative complication rates after high-risk surgery in the United States/ 미리보기
Dimick, J. B C. V. Mosby Co 2003
4489 저널기사 Variation in production of phomodioi and phomopsolide B by Phomopsis spp 미리보기
Horn, W. S New York Botanical Garden 1980
4490 저널기사 Variation in Productivity of Short-Term Credit Used for Wheat Production in Uttar Pradesh Hills 미리보기
Tripathi, R. S.; Dev, C.; Sharma, M. L. The Society 1994
4491 저널기사 Variation in radial growth responses to drought among species, site, andcanopy strata 미리보기
Orwig, D. A Springer International 1998
4492 저널기사 Variation in resistance to different winter stress factors within a full-sib family of perennial ryegrass/ 미리보기
Hofgaard, I. S M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2003
4493 저널기사 Variation in resistance to Venturia populina, the cause of poplar leaf and shoot blight in the Pacific Northwest 미리보기
Newcombe, G National Research Council of Canada 1997
4494 저널기사 Variation in Responses to Susceptible and Resistant Cowpeas Among West African Populations of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)/ 미리보기
Appleby, J. H Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
4495 저널기사 Variation in response to cytotoxicity of cigarette smoke 미리보기
HOPKIN,J.M British Medical Association 1981
4496 저널기사 Variation in retail costs for fresh vegetables and salty snacks across communities in the United States 미리보기
Stewart, H.; Dong, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
4497 저널기사 Variation in ribosomal DNA within and between populations of Isotoma petraea and Macrozamia riedlei 미리보기
Byrne, M Oliver and Boyd 1997
4498 저널기사 Variation in RNA Polymerase Sigma Subunit Composition within Different Stocks of Escherichia coli W3110 미리보기
Jishage, M American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4499 저널기사 Variation in root penetration ability, osmotic adjustment and dehydration tolerance among accessions of rice adapted to rainfed lowland and upland ecosystems/ 미리보기
Babu, R Chandra P. Parey 2001
4500 저널기사 Variation in ruminal degradation and intestinal digestion of animal byproduct proteins 미리보기
Howie, S. A Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
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