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4501 저널기사 Variation in sapwood area and throughfall with forest age in mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell.) 미리보기
Haydon, S. R Elsevier, etc 1980
4502 저널기사 Variation in sensitivity to tomatine and rishitin among isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, and strains not pathogenic on tomato 미리보기
Suleman, P Academic Press 1980
4503 저널기사 Variation in sex-, stage- and tissue-specific expression of the amylase genes in Drosophila ananassae 미리보기
Da Lage, J.-L Oliver and Boyd 1996
4504 저널기사 Variation in Shoulder Position Sense at Mid and Extreme Range of Motion/ 미리보기
Janwantanakul, Prawit 2001
4505 저널기사 Variation in Soft Winter Wheat Characteristics Measured by the Single Kernel Characterization System 미리보기
Hazen, S. P Crop Science Society of America 1980
4506 저널기사 Variation in State Economic Growth: Decomposing State, Regional, and National Effects. 미리보기
Hendrick, R.M.; Garand, J.C. Cambridge University Press
4507 저널기사 Variation in State Education Policies and Effects on Student Performance 미리보기
Berger, M. C. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1994
4508 저널기사 Variation in stream water chemistry and hydrograph separation in a smalldrainage basin 미리보기
Caissie, D Elsevier, etc 1980
4509 저널기사 Variation in surface thermodynamic properties of alternative chiral forms of mannitol as detected by inverse gas chromatography (IGC) 미리보기
Sunkersett, M Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
4510 저널기사 Variation in Susceptibility of Bloodstream Isolates of Candida glabrata to Fluconazole According to Patient Age and Geographic Location/ 미리보기
Pfaller, M. A American Society for Microbiology 2003
4511 저널기사 Variation in Susceptibility of Tree-Feeding Insect Species to Photoactivated Thiophene Insecticides 미리보기
Helson, B Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
4512 저널기사 Variation in sweet corn kernel characteristics associated with stand establishment and eating quality 미리보기
Azanza, F M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
4513 저널기사 Variation in the ability of a long day followed by a short day photoperiod signal to initiate reproductive activity in ewes at different times ofthe year 미리보기
Sweeney, T Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd. [etc.] 1980
4514 저널기사 Variation in the Allelopathic Effect of Rice with Water Soluble Extracts/ 미리보기
Ebana, Kaworu American Society of Agronomy] 2001
4515 저널기사 Variation in the breeding system and the population genetic structure ofTrillium kamtschaticum (Liliaceae) 미리보기
Ohara, M Oliver and Boyd 1996
4516 저널기사 Variation in the control region sequence of the sheep mitochondrial genome 미리보기
Wood, N. J Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1996
4517 저널기사 Variation in the defense strategies of plants: are resistance and tolerance mutually exclusive? 미리보기
Mauricio, R Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
4518 저널기사 Variation in the demography of guppy populations: the importance of predation and life histories 미리보기
Rodd, F. H Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
4519 저널기사 Variation in the effects of government spending shocks with methods of financing: Evidence from the U.S. 미리보기
Kandil, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
4520 저널기사 Variation in the Expression of Fetal Oversize in Day 125 Ovine Fetuses Following Transfer of in Vitro Cultured Embryos 미리보기
Carolan, C Butterworths, etc 1998
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