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4541 저널기사 Variation in the use of angiography and carodid endarterectomy ny neurologists in the UK-TIA aspirin trial./ 미리보기
UK-TIA STUDY GROUP British Medical Association 1983
4542 저널기사 Variation in the wood and pulping properties of European white birch 미리보기
Tammisola, J Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy] 1995
4543 저널기사 Variation in the wood and pulping properties of European white birch 미리보기
Tammisola, J Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy 1995
4544 저널기사 Variation in Toe-Web Response of Turkey Poults to Phytohemagglutinin-P and Their Resistance to Escherichia coli Challenge 미리보기
Bayyari, G. R Poultry Science Association, etc.] 1997
4545 저널기사 Variation in traits affecting nodulation of common bean under intercropping with maize and sole cropping/ 미리보기
Santalla, M M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2001
ULMER, J. T.; BRADLEY, M. S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
4547 저널기사 Variation in utilization efficiency and tolerance to reduced water and nitrogen supply among wild and cultivated barleys/ 미리보기
G�ny, Andrzej G M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2001
4548 저널기사 Variation in vaginal breech delivery rates by hospital type/ 미리보기
Gregory, Kimberly D American college of Ob and Gy 2001
4549 저널기사 Variation in vetch (Vicia spp.) response to Orobanche aegyptiaca 미리보기
Goldwasser, Y Weed Science Society of America] 1980
4550 저널기사 Variation in Vinblastine Production by Catharanthus Roseus During in Vivo and in Vitro Differentiation 미리보기
Datta, A Pergamon Press 1997
4551 저널기사 Variation in Women's Success across PhD Programs in Economics 미리보기
Boustan, Leah; Langan, Andrew The Association 2019
4552 저널기사 Variation in xylem anatomy of selected populations of lodgepole pine/ 미리보기
Wang, Tongli National Research Council of Canada 2001
4553 저널기사 Variation in Yugoslavian hot pepper (Capsicum anuum L.) accessions 미리보기
Zewdie, Y M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
4554 저널기사 Variation of alkaloid productivity among several clones of hairy roots and regenerated plants of Atropa belladonna transformed with Agrobacteriumrhizogenes 15834 미리보기
Aoki, T Springer International 1997
4555 저널기사 Variation of allozyme loci in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the former USSR 미리보기
Bubli, O. A Oliver and Boyd 1996
4556 저널기사 Variation of antiphase domain size in omphacite: A tool to determine the temperature-time history of eclogites revisited/ 미리보기
Brenker, F. E Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4557 저널기사 Variation of apparent ethanol content of unspoiled northwestern Spanish honeys during storage/ 미리보기
Huidobro, Jos� F Applied Science Publishers 2001
4558 저널기사 Variation of Brain and Serum Cholinesterase Activity with Age in Wild Small Mammals 미리보기
Fishwick, S. K Springer-Verlag 1980
4559 저널기사 Variation of B subunits of glutenin in durum, wild and less-widely cultivated tetraploid wheats 미리보기
Liu, C.-Y P. Parey 1996
4560 저널기사 Variation of bulk properties of anaerobic granules with wastewater type/ 미리보기
Batstone, D J 2001
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