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4561 저널기사 Variation of CAG repeats and two intragenic polymorphisms at SCA3 locus among Machado-Joseph disease/SCA3 patients and diverse normal populations from eastern India/ 미리보기
Chattopadhyay, B Munksgaard 2003
4562 저널기사 Variation of Cardenolides With Growth in a Digitalis lanata Brazilian Cultivar 미리보기
Braga, F. C Pergamon Press 1997
4563 저널기사 Variation of CO~2 partial pressure in surface seawater in the equatorialPacific Ocean 미리보기
Goyet, C Pergamon Press 1980
4564 저널기사 Variation of cobalt silicide resistivity with temperature 미리보기
Naem, A. A American Institute of Physics 1980
4565 저널기사 Variation of Consumer Contact with Household Products: A Preliminary Investigation 미리보기
4566 저널기사 Variation of coplanarity between aryl ring and cationic center at transition state. Agreement of results of solvolytic study with ab initio calculations 미리보기
Liu, K.-T Pergamon Press 1980
4567 저널기사 Variation of cosmic ray injection across supernova shocks/ 미리보기
Volk, H. J Springer-Verlag 2003
4568 저널기사 Variation of dipole-dipole interaction with rotational state: Experimentand theory 미리보기
Van Duijn, E. J American Institute of Physics 1980
4569 저널기사 Variation of Emission Yield of X-rays from Crystals with Diffraction Condition of Exciting Electrons / 미리보기
MIYAKE, SHIZUO Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1968
4570 저널기사 Variation of Fabric Anisotropy of Kaolinite in Triaxial Loading 미리보기
Anandarajah, A American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
4571 저널기사 Variation of GaN valence bands with biaxial stress and quantification ofresidual stress 미리보기
Edwards, N. V American Institute of Physics 1980
4572 저널기사 Variation of Gonococcal Lipooligosaccharide Structure Is Due to Alterations in Poly-G Tracts in lgt Genes Encoding Glycosyl Transferases 미리보기
Yang, Q.-L Rockefeller University Press 1980
4573 저널기사 Variation of grain traits in landraces of rice collected from Vietnam = 미리보기
김현호 忠南大學校 農業科學硏究所 1997
4574 저널기사 Variation of gynogenesis ability in onion (Allium cepa L.) 미리보기
Geoffriau, E M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
4575 저널기사 Variation of hullability and other seed characteristics among sunflower lines and hybrids 미리보기
Denis, L M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
4576 저널기사 Variation of hydrogen bonded O…O distances in goethite at high pressure/ 미리보기
Nagai, T Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4577 저널기사 Variation of Indonesian throughflow and the El Ni�-Southern Oscillation 미리보기
Meyers, G William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
4578 저널기사 Variation of Longitudinal Modulus with Twist for Yarns Composed of High Modulus Fibers/ 미리보기
Shioya, Masatoshi The Institute and the Foundation 2001
4579 저널기사 Variation of magnetic properties along the film thickness in perpendicular thin film media investigated by optical method/ 미리보기
Saito, Shin North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
4580 저널기사 Variation of magnetic properties of toroidal cores with magnetizing frequency/ 미리보기
Derebasi, N North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
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