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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
441 저널기사 The vaccine superpower that fails to immunize its children 미리보기
Hodkinson, Jemima Royal Institute of International Affairs 2016
442 저널기사 The Vacuous Concept of Shareholder Voting Rights 미리보기
Attenborough, D. T.M.C. Asser Press 2013
443 저널기사 The vacuum ultraviolet phase-matching characteristics of nonlinear optical KBe~2BO~3F~2 crystal 미리보기
Chen, C American Institute of Physics 1980
444 저널기사 The Vagaries of Vagueness: Rethinking the CFAA as a Problem of Private Nondelegation 미리보기
unknown Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2013
445 저널기사 The Vagueness of Tax Fairness: A Discursive Analysis of the Commission’s ‘Fair Tax Agenda’ 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
446 저널기사 The Vaines Case - This Time It's Personal Expenditure 미리보기
Johnson, Trevor Tax Analysts 2016
447 저널기사 The Vain Quest for a Unified Theory of Learning/ 미리보기
Jonassen, D. H Educational News Service 2003
448 저널기사 The Valdez Air Health Study 미리보기
449 저널기사 The valence band alignment at ultrathin SiO~2/Si interfaces 미리보기
Alay, J. L American Institute of Physics 1980
450 저널기사 The valence band structure of the ZnSe{001}-(2 x 1) surface as determined by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy 미리보기
Zhang, Y North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
451 저널기사 The Valence-Charge Density of Graphite / 미리보기
CHEN, R Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
452 저널기사 The valence fluctuation state of Tm monochalcogenides under high pressure/ 미리보기
Ohashi, M North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
453 저널기사 The valence of small fullerenes 미리보기
Giambelli, C. Roman, H. E. Alasia, F. Milani, C. North Holland 1996
454 저널기사 The valence state of bismuth in BaBiO3 probed by NQR/ 미리보기
Savosta, M M North-Holland 2000
455 저널기사 The Valencia Port Authority (VPA): environmental information in the annual report 미리보기
Moya, A.A.; Soler, C.C.; Feliu, V.R.; Fillol, A.G. Inderscience 2012
456 저널기사 The Valerie Plame affair Go to jail 미리보기
457 저널기사 The Validation of Various Schemes for Parameterizing Evaporation from Bare Soil for Use in Meteorological Models: A Numerical Study Using in SituData 미리보기
Mihailovic, D. T D. Reidel Pub. Co 1980
458 저널기사 The Validity and Reliability of the Back Saver Sit-and-Reach Test in Middle School Girls and Boys 미리보기
Patterson, P American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 1980
459 저널기사 The Validity and Reliability of the Reflux Finding Score (RFS)/ 미리보기
Belafsky, Peter C 2001
460 저널기사 The validity and reliability of the SENSERite system: a preliminary evaluation. Joshua H. You, PT, PhD (University of Virginia, Hampton, VA), e-mail: sung.you@hamptonu.edu/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
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