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4621 저널기사 Variation of the vascular bundle system in Asian wild rice, Oryza rufipogon and its relationship to rachis branch number and growth habit/ 미리보기
Fukuyama, Toshinori M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2001
4622 저널기사 Variation of Total Nitrogen, Non-protein Nitrogen Content, and Types of Alkaloids at Different Stages of Development in Erythrina americana Seeds 미리보기
Garcia-Mateos, R American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
4623 저널기사 Variation of trophic fractions and connectance in food webs 미리보기
Murtaugh, P. A Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
4624 저널기사 Variation of viroid profiles in individual grapevine plants: novel grapevine yellow speckle viroid I mutants show alterations of hairpin I 미리보기
Polivka, H Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4625 저널기사 Variation of vortex-glass dynamics and critical region with oxygen content in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystal/ 미리보기
Darminto, D North-Holland 2001
4626 저널기사 Variation of vortex-glass dynamics and critical region with oxygen content in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystal/ 미리보기
Darminto, D North-Holland 2001
4627 저널기사 Variation of water relations parameters with extended rehydration time, leaf form, season, and proportion of leaf 미리보기
Zobel, D. B National Research Council of Canada 1996
4628 저널기사 Variation of White Water Composition in a TMP and DIP Newsprint Paper Machine 미리보기
Garver, T. M Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1980
4629 저널기사 Variation on a theme of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: implications of new cases with a young age at onset 미리보기
Ridley, R. M Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4630 저널기사 Variation Projections and Demand Analysis 미리보기
Var, T. PERGAMON 1998
4631 저널기사 Variations Among Individual Surgeons in Rate of Positive Surgical Margins in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens/ 미리보기
Eastham, J. A American Urological Association Inc 2003
4632 저널기사 Variations and correlations of various ring width and ring density features in European oak: implications in dendroclimatology 미리보기
Zhang, S. Y Springer-Verlag 1997
4633 저널기사 Variations and Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Concentrationsand CO~2 Exchange in Eastern Lapland 미리보기
Ahonen, T Pergamon 1997
4634 저널기사 Variations autour de la gestion civile de l'usufruit en droit familial 미리보기
Par Philippe Delmas Saint-Hilaire Lextenso 2017
4635 저널기사 Variations autour de la volonté du salarié 미리보기
Pascal Lokiec Dialne 2013
4636 저널기사 Variations autour de l’originalisme 미리보기
Mathieu Carpentier Presses universitaires de France 2016
4637 저널기사 Variations des ancrages �nonciatifs et fictionalisation d'une anecdote d'Albert Camus/ 미리보기
Adam, Jean-Michel Larousse 2000
4638 저널기사 Variation-selection in the innovation of the retractable airplane landing gear: the Northrop `anomaly' 미리보기
Vincenti, W. G. ELSEVIER 1994
4639 저널기사 Variation-selection in the innovation of the retractable airplane landing gear: the Northrop `anomaly' 미리보기
Vincenti, W. G. North-Holland 1992
4640 저널기사 Variation Simulation for Deformable Sheet Metal Assemblies Using Finite Element Methods 미리보기
Liu, S. C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
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