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4641 저널기사 Variations in Apparent Mixing Efficiency in the North Atlantic Central Water 미리보기
Ruddick, B American Meteorological Society 1980
4642 저널기사 Variations in auto-oscillation frequency at the main resonance in rectangular yttrium-iron-garnet films 미리보기
Prabhakar, A American Institute of Physics 1980
4643 저널기사 Variations in bark acidity and conductivity over the trunk length of silver fir and Norway spruce 미리보기
Legrand, I Springer International 1996
4644 저널기사 Variations in cancer mortality among local authority areas in England and Wales: relations with environmental factors and search for causes / 미리보기
GARDNER,M.J British Medical Association 1982
4645 저널기사 Variations in case definition affect prevalence but not outcomes of mild cognitive impairment/ 미리보기
Fisk, J. D Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2003
4646 저널기사 Variations in cell signaling pathways for different vasoconstrictor agonists in renal circulation of the rat/ 미리보기
Bauer, J Springer-Verlag 2003
4647 저널기사 Variations in clinical presentations of the simple bone cyst: report of cases/ 미리보기
Tong, A. C American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2003
4648 저널기사 Variations in Collectivism and Individualism by Ingroup and Culture: Confirmatory Factor Analyses 미리보기
Rhee, E American Psychological Association 1980
4649 저널기사 Variations in color/ 미리보기
Usatine, R. P Appleton and Lang Pub 2003
4650 저널기사 Variations in composition of cartilage from the shoulder joints of youngadult dogs at risk for developing canine hip dysplasia 미리보기
Farquhar, T American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
4651 저널기사 Variations in conception rate of crossbred cattle / 미리보기
Kumar, Arun Agricultural Research Communication Centre 1991
4652 저널기사 Variations in Concepts of "Susceptibility" in Risk Assessment 미리보기
4653 저널기사 Variations in corporate influence over HRM between the early and later stages in the life of foreign subsidiaries† 미리보기
Kynighou, Anastasia Routledge 2014
4654 저널기사 Variations in corporate influence over HRM between the early and later stages in the life of foreign subsidiaries 미리보기
Kynighou, A. Routledge 2014
4655 저널기사 Variations in cursive handwriting performance as a function of handedness, hand posture and gender / 미리보기
J.Meulenbroek, R.G Teviot Scientific 1989
4656 저널기사 Variations in Decision Makers' Use of Information Sources 미리보기
4657 저널기사 Variations in Dietary Iron Alter Behavior in Developing Rats./ 미리보기
Pi�ro, Domingo J 2001
4658 저널기사 Variations in Dietary Protein but Not in Dietary Fat Plus Cellulose or Carbohydrate Levels Affect Cysteine Metabolism in Rat Isolated Hepatocytes 미리보기
Bella, D. L Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
4659 저널기사 Variations in Digestive Physiology of Rats After Short Duration Flights Aboard the US Space Shuttle/ 미리보기
Rabot, Sylvie Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2000
4660 저널기사 Variations in economic uncertainty and risk premiums on capital assets 미리보기
Gennotte, G. ELSEVIER 1993
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