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4701 저널기사 Variations in risk and fluctuations in demand: A theoretical model 미리보기
Hassler, J. A. A. ELSEVIER 1996
4702 저널기사 Variations in Sensibility to Fabric Frictional Sound by Fiber Type and Subject/ 미리보기
Na, Y The Institute and the Foundation 2003
4703 저널기사 Variations in SME Characteristics and the Use of Service Intermediaries for R&D 미리보기
Castrogiovanni, G. J.; Domenech, J.; Mas-Verd, F. ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 2012
4704 저널기사 Variations in Solar Luminosity from Timescales of Minutes to Months 미리보기
Pelletier, J. D Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4705 저널기사 Variations in sovereign credit quality assessments across rating agencies 미리보기
Hill, P.; Brooks, R.; Faff, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
4706 저널기사 Variations in symbiotic efficiency, phenotypic characters and ploidy level among different isolates of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccariabicolor strain S 238 미리보기
Di Battista, C Cambridge University Press 1980
4707 저널기사 Variations in temperature gradients identify active faults in the Oregonaccretionary prism 미리보기
Zwart, G North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
4708 저널기사 Variations in the 3 Micron Spectrum Across the Orion Bar: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Molecules 미리보기
Sloan, G. C Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4709 저널기사 Variations in the adhesion force between a drug and carrier particles asa result of changes in the relative humidity of the air 미리보기
Podczeck, F Elsevier/North Holland 1980
4710 저널기사 Variations in the Care of Elderly Persons With Diabetes Among Endocrinologists, General Internists, and Geriatricians/ 미리보기
Chin, Marshall H Gerontological Society of America 2000
4711 저널기사 Variations in the care of the head injured patient/ 미리보기
Bulger, E M Elsevier Science Pub 2000
4712 저널기사 Variations in the Causes of Ethnonationalist Violence: Northern Ireland, 1969-72 미리보기
4713 저널기사 Variations in the compressive strength of dental cements stored in ionic or acidic solutions/ 미리보기
Nicholson, J W Chapman and Hall 2001
4714 저널기사 Variations in the Constituent Sugars of the Polysaccharides from New Zealand Species of Pachymenia (Halymeniaceae) 미리보기
Miller, I. J de Gruyter 1980
4715 저널기사 Variations in the contribution of transport to changes in planktonic animal abundance: a study of the flux of fish larvae in Conception Bay, Newfoundland 미리보기
Pepin, P National Research Council Canada 1980
4716 저널기사 Variations in the Corporate Social Responsibility-Performance Relationship in Emerging Market Firms 미리보기
Cuervo-Cazurra A ; Purkayastha S ; Ramaswamy K Institute of Management Sciences 2023
4717 저널기사 Variations in the course of the hypoglossal nerve: a case report and literature review/ 미리보기
Kim, D. D Munksgaard 2003
4718 저널기사 Variations in the Diffusion of State Lottery Adoptions: How Revenue Dedication Changes Morality Politics 미리보기
4719 저널기사 Variations in the DNA methylation and polypeptide patterns of adult hazel (Corylus avellana L.) associated with sequential in vitro subcultures\ 미리보기
Diaz-Sala, C Springer International 1995
4720 저널기사 Variations in the Financial Reporting Environment and Earnings Forecasting 미리보기
Hope, O. K. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
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