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4721 저널기사 Variations in the force applied to flexion tests of the distal limb of horses 미리보기
Keg, P. R The Association 1997
4722 저널기사 Variations in the HCR (Pg8) Gene are Unlikely to be Causal for Familial Psoriasis/ 미리보기
Chia, Nicholas V C Williamd and Wilkins Co 2001
4723 저널기사 Variations in the isotope composition of mercury in a freshwater sediment sequence and food web/ 미리보기
Jackson, Togwell A National Research Council Canada 2001
4724 저널기사 Variations in the lipid composition of alfalfa roots during colonizationwith the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme 미리보기
Gaspar, L New York Botanical Garden 1980
4725 저널기사 Variations in the magnetic properties of ultrathin Co films due to the adsorption of non-magnetic metal atoms at the Co/vacuum interface 미리보기
Buckley, M. E North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
4726 저널기사 Variations in the mechanical properties of cartilage from the canine scapulohumeral joint 미리보기
Korvick, D American Veterinary Medical Association 1997
4727 저널기사 Variations in the neutralizing and haemagglutination-inhibiting activities of five influenza A virus-specific IgGs and their antibody fragments 미리보기
Schofield, D. J Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4728 저널기사 Variations in the Presentation of Primary Intraocular Lymphoma - Case Reports and a Review/ 미리보기
Gill, Manjot K Survey of Ophthalmology, Inc.] 2001
4729 저널기사 Variations in the Promoter Region of the Apolipoprotein A-1 Gene Influence Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Asian Indian Neonates from Singapore/ 미리보기
Heng, C-K International pediatric research foundation 2001
4730 저널기사 Variations in the Response of Mouse Isozymes of Adenylosuccinate Synthetase to Inhibitors of Physiological Relevance 미리보기
Borza, T.; Iancu, C. V.; Pike, E.; Honzatko, R. B.; Fromm, H. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
4731 저널기사 Variations in the Response of Real Output to Aggregate Demand Shocks: A Cross-Industry Analysis 미리보기
Magda Kandil M I T Press
4732 저널기사 Variations in the solid-state, solution and theoretical structures of a laterally deprotonated aromatic tertiary amide/ 미리보기
Armstrong, D. R Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
4733 저널기사 Variations in the Structure, Morphology and Biomass of Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean Sea 미리보기
Meinesz, A de Gruyter 1980
4734 저널기사 Variations in the structure of neutral sugar chains in the pectic polysaccharides of morphologically different carrot calli and correlations withthe size of cell clusters 미리보기
Kikuchi, A Springer-Verlag 1980
4735 저널기사 Variations in the Use of Emergency Departments in Alberta's Capital Health Region 1998-2000 미리보기
Saunders, L. D.; Alibhai, A.; Ness, K.; Estey, A.; Bear, R. CANADIAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVES 2004
4736 저널기사 Variations in the Use of Grant Discretion: The Case of ISTEA 미리보기
4737 저널기사 Variations in the viscosity of butter oil 미리보기
Rohm, H Volkswirtschaftlicher Verlag, etc.] 1980
4738 저널기사 Variations in total solar irradiance during solar cycle 22 미리보기
Chapman, G. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
4739 저널기사 Variations in trabecular bone composition with anatomical site and age: potential implications for bone quality assessment 미리보기
Aerssens, J Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1997
4740 저널기사 Variations in Trading Volume, Return Volatility, and Trading Costs: Evidence on Recent Price Formation Models 미리보기
Foster, F. D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 1993
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