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4821 저널기사 Variegated transgene expression in mouse mammary gland is determined by the transgene integration locus 미리보기
Dobie, K. W National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
4822 저널기사 Variegated transitions: Emerging forms of land and resource capitalism in Laos and Myanmar 미리보기
Miles Kenney-Lazar, SiuSue Mark Pion Ltd. 2021
4823 저널기사 Variegation in Coleus blumei and the Life History of Citrus Mealybug (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) 미리보기
Yang, J Entomological Society of America 1980
4824 저널기사 Varietal Change in Post-Green Revolution Agriculture: Empirical Evidence for Wheat in Pakistan 미리보기
4825 저널기사 Varietal Characterization in Hazelnut by RAPD Markers/ 미리보기
Miaja, M International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
4826 저널기사 Varietal Classification of Young Red Wines in Terms of Chemical and Colour Parameters 미리보기
Almela, L Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
4827 저널기사 Varietal differences and chromosome locations of multiple isoforms of starch branching enzyme in wheat endosperm 미리보기
Nagamine, T Pergamon Press 1997
4828 저널기사 Varietal differences in perennial ryegrass for nitrogen use efficiency in leaf growth following defoliation: performance in flowing solution culture and its relationship to yield under simulated grazing in the field 미리보기
Wilkins, P. W M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1998
4829 저널기사 Varietal differences in physico-chemical and nutritional qualities of whest flour / 미리보기
Raghuvanshi, R.S Agricultural Research Communication Centre 1994
4830 저널기사 Varietal Differences in Protein Phosphorylation During Cold Treatment ofRice Leaves 미리보기
Komatsu, S Pergamon Press 1997
4831 저널기사 Varietal Differences in the Total and Enantiomeric Composition of Theanine in Tea 미리보기
Ekborg-Ott, K. H American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1997
4832 저널기사 Varietal identification in Cichorium intybus L and determination of genetic purity of F~1 hybrid seed samples, based on RAPD markers 미리보기
Bellamy, A P. Parey 1996
4833 저널기사 Varietal Screening Based on Demographic Parameters: Resistance of Tea toBrevipalpus phoenicis (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) 미리보기
Kennedy, J. S Entomological Society of America 1980
4834 저널기사 Varietal variation and physiological basis for inhibition of wheat seed germination after excessive water treatment 미리보기
Ueno, K M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
4835 저널기사 Varietes de Prym associees aux revetements n-cycliques d'une courbe hyperelliptique/ 미리보기
Ortega, A J. Springer 2003
4836 저널기사 Varieties and Commonalities of Career Transitions: Louis' Typology Revisited 미리보기
Bruce, R. A. ACADEMIC PRESS 1994
4837 저널기사 Varieties in state capitalism: Outward FDI strategies of central and local state-owned enterprises from emerging economy countries 미리보기
Ming Hua Li ; Lin Cui ; Jiangyong Lu Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2014
4838 저널기사 Varieties of agents in agent-based computational economics: A historical and an interdisciplinary perspective 미리보기
Chen, S. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
4839 저널기사 Varieties of BL-algebras I: general properties/ 미리보기
Agliano, P North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
4840 저널기사 Varieties of BL-algebras I: general properties/ 미리보기
Agliano, P North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
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