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4941 저널기사 Various Concepts of Hysteresis Applied in Economics 미리보기
4942 저널기사 Various Effects of Paromomycin on tmRNA-directed trans-Translation/ 미리보기
Takahashi, T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
4943 저널기사 Various efforts for academic staff development in Korea 미리보기
주삼환 忠南大學校 敎育發展硏究所 1989
4944 저널기사 VARIOUS - Errata - Erratum to Acta 517 pp. 21-30 - Seed Germination of -- Amygdalus arabica Oliv. -- As Influenced by Stratification and Certain Plant Bioregulators/ 미리보기
Khalil, R Y International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4945 저널기사 VARIOUS - Errata - Erratum to Acta 517 pp. 73-80 - Seed Germination and Polyembryony of Some Liliaceae Ground Covers Native to Japan/ 미리보기
Shimomura, T International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4946 저널기사 Various faces of localised voting in Sweden 미리보기
Lidström, Anders Frank Cass 2021
4947 저널기사 VARIOUS - Late submissions - An Overview on History, Progress, Present and Future Objectives of the Quebec Apple Cultivar and Rootstock Breeding Program/ 미리보기
Khanizadeh, S International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4948 저널기사 VARIOUS - Late submissions - Effect of Pre- and Postharvest Applications of 'Biofresh' Coating on Keepability of Apple Fruits/ 미리보기
Xuan, H International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4949 저널기사 VARIOUS - Late submissions - Effects of Manipulated Berry Transpiration on Post-veraison Sugar Accumulation/ 미리보기
Rebucci, B International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4950 저널기사 VARIOUS - Late submissions - First Results on the Physiological Effects of Soil Management in Table Grape cv. Italia/ 미리보기
Novello, V International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4951 저널기사 VARIOUS - Late submissions - Nutritional Study of an Apple Orchard as Endemically Affected by Bitter-pit/ 미리보기
Val, J International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4952 저널기사 Variously substituted glycals are readily prepared from glycosyl bromides using (Cp~2TiCl)~2 미리보기
Spencer, R. P Pergamon Press 1980
4953 저널기사 VARIOUS - Protected Cultivation of Fruit Crops in Mild Winter Climates - Comparative Evaluation of Peach and Nectarine Cultivars Trained to Permanent Canopy in Protected Culture in Sicily/ 미리보기
Bellini, E International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4954 저널기사 VARIOUS - Protected Cultivation of Fruit Crops in Mild Winter Climates - Comparison Between Two Training Systems in Peach Protected Culture in Sicily/ 미리보기
Bellini, E International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4955 저널기사 VARIOUS - Protected Cultivation of Fruit Crops in Mild Winter Climates - Effects of Growth Retardants (Cycocel, Daminozide and Paclobutrazol) on Growth and Development of Red Raspberries, cv. Autumn Bliss, Cultivated under Plastic Greenhouse Conditions in Chania-Crete, Greece/ 미리보기
Ghora, Y International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4956 저널기사 VARIOUS - Protected Cultivation of Fruit Crops in Mild Winter Climates - Effects of Pollination of Strawberries Grown in Plastic Greenhouses by Honeybees and Bumblebees on the Yield and Quality of the Fruits/ 미리보기
Paydas, S International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4957 저널기사 VARIOUS - Protected Cultivation of Fruit Crops in Mild Winter Climates - Greenhouse-growing of Stone Fruits: Effect of Temperature on Competing Sinks/ 미리보기
Erez, A International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
4958 저널기사 Various regimes of flux motion in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystals/ 미리보기
Chen, Weimin North-Holland 2000
4959 저널기사 Various Selected Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms and Red Wine Residue Inhibit Bone Resorption in Rats/ 미리보기
Wetli, H. Muhlbauer, R. C. Lozano, A.; Reinli, A.; Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 2003
4960 저널기사 Various Silicon-Containing Polymers with Si(H) -- C(equivalent)C Units/ 미리보기
Itoh, M 2001
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