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481 저널기사 The Validity of ROI as a Measure of Business Performance. 미리보기
Jacobson Robert American Economic Assonication
482 저널기사 The Validity of Self-Reports of Smoking: Analyses by Race/Ethnicity in aSchool Sample of Urban Adolescents 미리보기
Wills, T. A American Public Health Association 1980
483 저널기사 The Validity of Shrink-Wrap Licences 미리보기
484 저널기사 The Validity of Studies with Line of Business Data: Comment. 미리보기
Scherer F.M. ; Long William F. ; Martin Stephen ; Mueller Dennis C. ; Pascoe George ; Ravenscraft David J. ; Scott John T. ; Weiss Leonard W. American Economic Assonication
485 저널기사 The Validity of Studies with Line of Business Data: Reply. 미리보기
Benston George J. American Economic Assonication
486 저널기사 The Validity of the Clean Power Plan's Emissions Trading Provisions 미리보기
Wilkins, Jessica M. New York University School of Law 2016
487 저널기사 The Validity of the Economic Value Added Approach: an Empirical Application: 미리보기
Kyriazis, D.; Anastassis, C. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2007
488 저널기사 The validity of the hard-sphere model in hydrogen bonded intermolecular interactions of HCN-HF 미리보기
McIntosh, A American Institute of Physics 1980
489 저널기사 The Validity of the Lie Detector: Two Surveys of Scientific Opinion 미리보기
Iacono, W. G American Psychological Association, etc.] 1980
490 저널기사 The Validity of the Long-run Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem in the Ricardian System 미리보기
Uchiyama, T. T. Fisher Unwin 2005
491 저널기사 The validity of the monocentric city model in a polycentric age: US metropolitan areas in 1990, 2000 and 2010 미리보기
Arribas-Bel, Daniel; Sanz-Gracia, Fernando V.H. Winston 2014
492 저널기사 The validity of the test of individual equivalence ratios 미리보기
Hwang, J. T. G Cambridge University Press 1980
493 저널기사 The validity of the three-component model of organizational commitment in a Chinese context 미리보기
Cheng, Y.; Stockdale, M. S. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
494 저널기사 The validity of time trade-off values in calculating QALYs: constant proportional time trade-off versus the proportional heuristic 미리보기
Dolan, P.; Stalmeier, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
495 저널기사 The validity of two education requirement measures 미리보기
van der Meer, P. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
496 저널기사 The Validity of United States v. Nazemian Following Crawford and Its Progeny: Do Criminal Defendants Have the Right to Face Their Interpreters at Trial? 미리보기
Kracum, J. Williams & Wilkins 2014
497 저널기사 The Validity of Verifiable and Non-verifiable Biodata Items: An Examination Across Applicants and Incumbents: 미리보기
Harold, C. M.; McFarland, L. A.; Weekley, J. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
498 저널기사 The validity of Weibull estimators-experimental verification 미리보기
Marczewski, M. Orlovskaja, N. Kromp, K. Peterlik, H. Chapman and Hall 1997
499 저널기사 The validity of Western blotting for the diagnosis of bacterial kidney disease based on the detection of the p57 antigen of Renibacterium salmoninarum 미리보기
McIntosh, D Elsevier Biomedical 1980
500 저널기사 The valldation of commercial system dynamics models 미리보기
Coyle, G. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2000
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