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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
5201 저널기사 Vascular plasticity - the role of the angiopoietins in modulating ocular angiogenesis/ 미리보기
Joussen, Antonia M Springer-Verlag 2001
5202 저널기사 Vascular Provisions for a Local Utero-Ovarian Cross-Over Pathway in New World Camelids 미리보기
Del Campo, M. R Butterworths, etc 1996
5203 저널기사 Vascular Radiation in a Drug-Eluting Stent World: It's Not Over Till It's Over/ 미리보기
Teirstein, P. S American Heart Association, etc.] 2003
5204 저널기사 Vascular reactivity and thiazolidinediones/ 미리보기
Dandona, P University of Virginia School of Medicine 2003
5205 저널기사 Vascular Remodeling after Spinal Cord Injury/ 미리보기
Olive, J. L American College of Sports Medicine] 2003
5206 저널기사 Vascular Remodeling Induced by Naturally Occurring Unsaturated Lysophosphatidic Acid In Vivo/ 미리보기
Yoshida, K American Heart Association, etc.] 2003
5207 저널기사 Vascular Responeses in the Exposed Human Colon 미리보기
Jack D. Welsh, M.D.;Stewart Wolf, M.D. Beck 1991
5208 저널기사 Vascular Ring Causing Tracheal Compression in an Adult Patient/ 미리보기
Greiner, A Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
5209 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - A brachial aneurysm in childhood caused by Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/ 미리보기
Sayin, A G Minerva Medica 2001
5210 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - A case of intraoperative acute aortic dissection caused by cannulation into an axillary artery/ 미리보기
Miyatake, T Minerva Medica 2001
5211 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Combined percutaneous and surgical approach to a postnephrectomy arteriovenous fistula/ 미리보기
Ferrari, M Minerva Medica 2001
5212 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Congenital pelvic arteriovenous malformation: Uncommon symptoms of lower limb venous hypertension/ 미리보기
Kudo, F Akimaro Minerva Medica 2001
5213 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Continuing expansion of internal iliac artery aneurysms after surgical exclusion of the inflow. A report of two cases/ 미리보기
Ruurda, J P Minerva Medica 2001
5214 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Management of synchronous abdominal aortic aneurysm and renal carcinoma associated with duplication of the inferior vena cava/ 미리보기
Marrocco-Trischitta, M M Minerva Medica 2001
5215 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Paradoxical embolism. An old but, paradoxically, under-estimated problem/ 미리보기
Georgopoulos, S E Minerva Medica 2001
5216 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome. Reconstruction of the transected medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle/ 미리보기
Kudo, F Akimaro Minerva Medica 2001
5217 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the common carotid artery. Importance of echo-Doppler evaluation of the intimal damage/ 미리보기
Stella, N Minerva Medica 2001
5218 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Ruptured aneurysm of the deep femoral artery. Case report and historical review/ 미리보기
Lozano, F Minerva Medica 2001
5219 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Simultaneous surgery for ischemic heart disease, type A aortic dissection and abdominal aneurysm/ 미리보기
Sakamoto, H Minerva Medica 2001
5220 저널기사 VASCULAR SECTION - CASE REPORTS - Single stage repair of symptomatic type IV thoracoabdominal aortic and iliac aneurysm in Beh�et's disease. Case report/ 미리보기
Rampoldi, V Minerva Medica 2001
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