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5481 저널기사 V(D)J recombination activates a p53-dependent DNA damage checkpoint in scid lymphocyte precursors 미리보기
Guidos, C. J Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
5482 저널기사 V(D)J Recombination and Transportation: Closer Than Expected 미리보기
Craig, N. L American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
5483 저널기사 V(D)J recombination frequency is affected by the sequence interposed between a pair of recombination signals: sequence comparison reveals a putative recombinational enhancer element 미리보기
Roch, F. A Information Retrieval Limited 1980
5484 저널기사 V(D)J recombination: From RAGs to stitches 미리보기
Weaver, D. T Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
5485 저널기사 V(D)J Recombination in Mature B Cells: A Mechanism for Altering AntibodyResponses 미리보기
Papavasiliou, F American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
5486 저널기사 v(D)J Recombination is Regulated Similarly in RAG-transfected Fibroblasts and Pre-8 Cells 미리보기
Doebbeling, U Academic Press 1980
5487 저널기사 V(D)J recombination: modulation of RAG1 and RAG2 cleavage Activity on 12/23 Substrates by Whole Cell Extract and DNA 미리보기
Sawchuk, D. J Rockefeller University Press 1980
5488 저널기사 VDS newsletter and the Vet Helpline/ 미리보기
Hird, J The Association 2001
5489 저널기사 VDT作業空間의 照明環境改善을 위한 調査 및 實驗 : 미리보기
정진현 忠南大學校 工科大學 産業技術硏究所 1992
5490 저널기사 VDT 作業者의 自覺症狀에 관한 調査硏究 = 미리보기
지형래 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1991
5491 저널기사 VDV-Schriften �ber elektrische Ausr�stung von 400 Nahverkehrsfahrzeugen/ 미리보기
Stahlberg, U P. Schmidt 2001
5492 저널기사 VEAL CALF RESIDUE sampling revised plan to be implemented. 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
5493 저널기사 VEAL CALF residue USDA program ignores cause of problem : AMI, FDA urges slaughtering plants to get producer guarantees 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
5494 저널기사 VEAL CALF testing in plants with few violations to be reduced. Delegation of sampling to plant employees permitted 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
5495 저널기사 VEAL CALF USDA program changes seen aiding test accuracy. FSIS view of educational effort hit by Extension Service 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
5496 저널기사 VEAL certification program future under USDA-FDA discussion 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
5497 저널기사 VEAL labeling sought by animal rights group denied by Court 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
5498 저널기사 Veblen and Instrumental Value: A Systems Theory Perspective 미리보기
Valentinov, V. Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2013
5499 저널기사 Veblen and Technical Efficiency 미리보기
Knoedler, J. T Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
5500 저널기사 Veblen and Technical Efficiency 미리보기
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