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5521 저널기사 Vector Analysis of Keyblock Rotations 미리보기
Mauldon, M American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
5522 저널기사 Vector analysis of polarization at small-angle neutron scattering 미리보기
Okorokov, A I North-Holland 2001
5523 저널기사 Vector and scalar correlations in statistical dissociation: The photodissociation of NCCN at 193 nm 미리보기
North, S. W American Institute of Physics 1980
5524 저널기사 Vector autoregression and the dynamic multiplier: a historical review 미리보기
Stein, S. H.; Song, F. M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
5525 저널기사 Vector autoregression modelling and forecasting 미리보기
Holden, Ken Wiley 1995
5526 저널기사 Vector autoregression or simultaneous equations model? The intraday relationship between index arbitrage and market volatility 미리보기
Chan, K. ELSEVIER 1995
5527 저널기사 Vector Autoregressions and Causality 미리보기
5528 저널기사 Vector Autoregressions and Macroeconomic Modeling: An Error Taxonomy 미리보기
Poskitt, D. S.; Yao, Wenying American Statistical Association 2017
5529 저널기사 Vector autoregressions and reduced form representations of DSGE models 미리보기
Ravenna, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
5530 저널기사 Vector autoregressive order selection and forecasting via the modified divergence information criterion 미리보기
Mantalos, P.; Mattheou, K.; Karagrigoriou, A. Inderscience 2010
5531 저널기사 Vector-Borne Disease Control in sub-Saharan Africa: A Necessary But Partial Vision of Development 미리보기
McMillan, D. E. PERGAMON PRESS 1996
5532 저널기사 Vector breaking of replica symmetry in some low-temperature disordered systems 미리보기
Dotsenko, V The Institute of Physics 1980
5533 저널기사 Vector bundles over configuration spaces of nonidentical particles: Topological potentials and internal degrees of freedom 미리보기
Doebner, H.-D American Institute of Physics 1980
5534 저널기사 Vector coherent state realization of representations of the affine Lie algebra sl(2) 미리보기
Zhang, R. B The Institute of Physics 1980
5535 저널기사 Vector constants of the motion and orbits in the Coulomb/Kepler problem/ 미리보기
Munoz, G Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2003
5536 저널기사 Vector description of nonlinear magnetization/ 미리보기
Rysak, A 2001
5537 저널기사 Vector Diagnosis of Nutrient Dynamics in Mesquite Seedlings 미리보기
Imo, M Society of American Foresters] 1997
5538 저널기사 Vector equilibrium correction models with non-linear discontinuous adjustments 미리보기
Bec, F.; Rahbek, A. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2004
5539 저널기사 Vectorette PCR isolation of microsatellite repeat sequences using anchored dinucleotide repeat primers 미리보기
Lench, N. J Information Retrieval Limited 1980
5540 저널기사 Vector extremal systems in cross-constrained games of regulatory policy analysis and synthesis 미리보기
Charnes, A. ELSEVIER 1993
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