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5601 저널기사 Vegetation and climate change in northwest America during the past 125 kyr 미리보기
Whitlock, C Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
5602 저널기사 Vegetation and Cropping Effects on Pedogenic Processes in a Sandy Prairie Soil 미리보기
Quideau, S. A. Bockheim, J. G. Soil Science Society of America 1993
5603 저널기사 Vegetation and outdoor recess time at elementary schools: What are the connections? 미리보기
Arbogast, K. L.; Kane, B. C.; Kirwan, J. L.; Hertel, B. R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
5604 저널기사 Vegetation and soil feedbacks on the response of the African monsoon to orbital forcing in the early to middle Holocene 미리보기
Kutzbach, J Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
5605 저널기사 Vegetation, cattle, and economic responses to grazing strategies and pressures 미리보기
Manley, W. A Society for Range Management, etc.] 1997
5606 저널기사 Vegetation Composition, Dynamics, and Management of a Bracken-Grassland and Northern-Dry Forest Ecosystem/ 미리보기
Nielsen, S. E Springer-Verlag] 2003
5607 저널기사 Vegetation dynamics from annually burning tallgrass prairie in different seasons 미리보기
Towne, E. G Society for Range Management, etc.] 2003
5608 저널기사 Vegetation indices, CO~2 flux, and biomass for Northern Plains Grasslands/ 미리보기
Frank, A. B Society for Range Management, etc.] 2003
5609 저널기사 Vegetation-induced warming of high-latitude regions during the Late Cretaceous period 미리보기
Otto-Bliesner, B. L Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1980
5610 저널기사 Vegetation Management and Interrill Erosion in No-Till Corn Following Alfalfa 미리보기
Wollenhaupt, N. C. Bosworth, A. H. Gallagher, A. V. Soil Science Society of America 1993
5611 저널기사 Vegetation management and site preparation effects on 13C isotopic composition in planted white spruce/ 미리보기
Staples, Thomas E National Research Council of Canada 2001
5612 저널기사 Vegetation response to increasing stocking rate under rotational stocking 미리보기
Taylor, C. A Society for Range Management, etc.] 1997
5613 저널기사 Vegetations in endocarditis: big is bad, but is there more to it?/ 미리보기
Cabell, C. H C. V. Mosby Co 2003
5614 저널기사 Vegetation-site relationships of witness trees (1780-1856) in the presettlement forests of eastern West Virginia 미리보기
Abrams, M. D National Research Council of Canada 1996
5615 저널기사 Vegetative and floral shoot development of Zantedeschia `Black Magic'/ 미리보기
Halligan, E. A International Society for Horticultural Science 2004
5616 저널기사 Vegetative compatibility between and within Epichloee species 미리보기
Chung, K.-R New York Botanical Garden 1980
5617 저널기사 Vegetative Filter Strip Removal of Metals in Runoff from Poultry Litter-Amended Fescuegrass Plots 미리보기
Edwards, D. R American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1997
5618 저널기사 Vegetative Growth and Nitrogen/Carbon Partitioning in Blueberry as Influenced by Nitrogen Fertilization 미리보기
Merhaut, D. J American Society for Horticultural Science] 1996
5619 저널기사 Vegetative Growth, Nutritional Status and Yield of Tomato Plants Growing under Salinity Conditions and Different NO3 -):NH4+ Ratios/ 미리보기
Flores, P International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
5620 저널기사 Vegetative phase change in maize and its association with resistance to fall armyworm./ 미리보기
Williams, W P Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura, Section of Bergamo, Italy 2000
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