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5641 저널기사 Vehicle-based road dust emission measurement: I-methods and calibration/ 미리보기
Etyemezian, V Pergamon 2003
5642 저널기사 Vehicle-based road dust emission measurement-Part II: Effect of precipitation, wintertime road sanding, and street sweepers on inferred PM10 emission potentials from paved and unpaved roads/ 미리보기
Kuhns, H Pergamon 2003
5643 저널기사 Vehicle Crash Mechanics. M Huang/ 미리보기
Jones, N American Society of Mechanical Engineers] 2003
5644 저널기사 Vehicle crime prevention and the co-evolutionary arms race: recent offender countermoves using immobiliser bypass technology 미리보기
Rick Brown Butterworths 2017
5645 저널기사 Vehicle currency use in international trade 미리보기
Goldberg, L. S.; Tille, C. d. North-Holland 2008
5646 저널기사 Vehicle data recorders: Watching your driving 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
5647 저널기사 Vehicle design and thermal comfort of poultry in transit 미리보기
Weeks, C. A Longman 1980
5648 저널기사 Vehicle Emission Unit Risk Factors for Transportation Risk Assessments 미리보기
5649 저널기사 Vehicle/Guideway Dynamic Interaction in Maglev Systems 미리보기
Cai, Y American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
5650 저널기사 Vehicle Lifetime and Scrappage Behavior: Trends in the U.S. Used Car Market. 미리보기
Bento, Antonio; Roth, Kevin; Yiou Zuo Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2018
5651 저널기사 Vehicle Longitudinal Control and Traffic Stream Modeling 미리보기
Ni, Daiheng; Leonard, John D.; Jia, Chaoqun; Wang, Jianqiang Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS 2016
5652 저널기사 Vehicle Maintenance Contracting in Developing Economies: The Role of Social Enterprise 미리보기
Li Chen ; Sang-Hyun Kim ; Hau L. Lee Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2021
5653 저널기사 Vehicle Manufacturer Technology Adoption and Pricing Strategies under Fuel Economy/Emissions Standards and Feebates 미리보기
Liu, C.; Greene, D.L.; Bunch, D.S. Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2014
5654 저널기사 Vehicle miles traveled and the built environment: evidence from vehicle safety inspection data 미리보기
Diao, M.; Ferreira, J. Pion Ltd 2014
5655 저널기사 Vehicle Occupants' Exposure to Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds WhileCommuting on an Urban-Suburban Route in Korea 미리보기
Jo, W.-K The Air and Waste Management Association 1980
5656 저널기사 Vehicle pollution: Cleaner than what? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
5657 저널기사 Vehicle Purchasing Behaviour of Individuals and Groups: Regret or Reward? 미리보기
Beck, M.J.; Chorus, C.G.; Rose, J.M.; Hensher, D.A. University of Bath 2013
5658 저널기사 Vehicle Rebalancing in a Shared Micromobility System with Rider Crowdsourcing 미리보기
Jin Z; Wang Y; Lim YF; Pan K; Shen Z-JM Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2023
5659 저널기사 Vehicle remote keyless entry systems and engine immobilisers: Do not believe the insurer that this technology is perfect 미리보기
Mason, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
5660 저널기사 Vehicle Routing and Location Routing with Intermediate Stops: A Review 미리보기
Schiffer, Maximilian; Schneider, Michael; Walther, Grit; Laporte, Gilbert Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS 2019
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