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6261 저널기사 Venture Sweepstakes - Faced with a new market reality, investors look for opportunities at the nexus of business and the Internet./ 미리보기
Time, inc., etc.] 2000
6262 저널기사 Venture team application to new product development 미리보기
Frank G. Bingham ; Charles J. Quigley Emerald
6263 저널기사 Venture Theory: A Model of Decision Weights 미리보기
Robin M. Hogarth ; Hillel J. Einhorn I N F O R M S
6264 저널기사 Venturi & Gehry: In the Real World - Robert Venturi and Frank Gehry both rejected the idealism of modernist architecture, to very different ends./ 미리보기
McDonough, Tom Brandt Art Publications, etc 2001
6265 저널기사 Venturing abroad : 미리보기
Schuller, Frank C 忠南大學校 經商大學 附設 經營經濟硏究所 1990
6266 저널기사 Venturing Abroad by Emerging Market Enterprises 미리보기
Luo, Y.; Zhao, H.; Wang, Y.; Xi, Y. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2011
Feldman, Amy Time, inc., etc.] 2013
6268 저널기사 Venturing Abroad: Innovation by U.S. Multinationals 미리보기
Kofi Afriyie Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
6269 저널기사 Venturing Early or Following Late? 미리보기
Ahlbrecht, M.; Eckert, S. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2013
6270 저널기사 Venturing for Others, Subject to Role Expectations? A Role Congruity Theory Approach to Social Venture Crowd Funding 미리보기
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship 2022
6271 저널기사 Venturing for Others with Heart and Head: How Compassion Encourages Social Entrepreneurship 미리보기
Miller, T.L.; Grimes, M.G.; McMullen, J.S.; Vogus, T.J. Academy of Management 2012
6272 저널기사 Venturing into New Territory: Career Experiences of Corporate Venture Capital Managers and Practice Variation 미리보기
Dokko, G.; Gaba, V. Academy of Management 2012
6273 저널기사 Venturing into the Wilderness:Preparing for Wild Cards in the Civil Aircraft and Asset-Management Industries 미리보기
Mendonca, S.; Pina e Cunha, M.; Ruff, F.; Kaivo-oja, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
6274 저널기사 Venturing in turbulent water: a historical perspective of economic reform and entrepreneurial transformation 미리보기
Tan, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
6275 저널기사 Venturing Motives and Venturing Types in Entrepreneurial Families: A Corporate Entrepreneurship Perspective 미리보기
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship 2022
6276 저널기사 Venturing to succeed 미리보기
Birkinshaw, J.; van Basten Batenburg, R.; Murray, G. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
6277 저널기사 Venturi-scrubber pre-concentration technique for electrochemical detection of airborne lead traces/ 미리보기
Belostotsky, Inessa Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
6278 저널기사 Venue & Hotel 미리보기
Gellert Pub. Corp. 2023
6279 저널기사 Venue, Hotel & New Orleans 미리보기
Gellert Pub. Corp. 2023
6280 저널기사 Venue Shopping and Legitimacy: Making Sense of Harper's Immigration Record 미리보기
Mireille Paquet, Lindsay Larios University of Toronto Press. 2018
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