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6461 저널기사 Veräußerung von Tickets für das Finale der UEFA Champions League als privates Veräußerungsgeschäft 미리보기
Handelsblatt. 2020
6462 저널기사 Veräußerung von Vorbehaltsware im Sale-and-Lease-Back-Verfahren 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1988
6463 저널기사 Veräußerung von Wohnungseigentum an Verwalter, kein Insichgeschäft 미리보기
OLG Düsseldorf Gieseking 2020
6464 저널기사 Veräußerung von zunächst zurückbehaltenen Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebäuden eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
6465 저널기사 Vera Zasulich's Critique of Neo-Populism Party Organisation and Individual Terrorism in the Russian Revolutionary Movement (1878-1902) 미리보기
Gaido, Daniel; Alessio, Constanza Bosch Brill Academic Publisher 2015
6466 저널기사 Verbal Ability and Persistent Offending: A Race-specific Test of Moffitt’s Theory 미리보기
Bellair, Paul E.; McNulty, Thomas L.; Piquero, Alex R. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2016
6467 저널기사 Verbalactone, a New Macrocyclic Dimer Lactone from the Roots of Verbascumundulatum with Antibacterial Activity/ 미리보기
Magiatis, P American Society of Pharmacognosy 2001
6468 저널기사 Verbal and Nonverbal Impression Management Tactics in Behavior Description and Situational Interviews 미리보기
Peeters, H.; Lievens, F. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
6469 저널기사 Verbal and Numerical Expressions of Probability: "It's a Fifty-Fifty Chance" 미리보기
de Bruin, W. B. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 2000
6470 저널기사 Verbal and Spatial Working Memory in School-Age Children: Developmental Differences in Susceptibility to Interference 미리보기
Hale, S American Psychological Association 1980
Baliga, Wayne Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
6472 저널기사 Verbalizing or Visualizing Metaphors? The Moderating Effects of Processing Mode and Temporal Orientation. 미리보기
unknown Association for Consumer Research 2010
6473 저널기사 Verbal knowledge of results : 미리보기
Cauraugh, J.H 1990
6474 저널기사 Verbal label effects on response accuracy and organization for learning limb positioning movements/ 미리보기
Magill, Richard A Teviot Scientific 1987
6475 저널기사 Verbal Learning and Aging: Combined Effects of Irrelevant Speech, Interstimulus Interval, and Education 미리보기
Meijer, W. A.; de Groot, R. H. M.; Van Boxtel, M. P. J.; Van Gerven, P. W. M.; Jolles, J. Gerontological Society of America 2006
6476 저널기사 Verbal Learning and Everyday Functioning in Dementia: An Application of Latent Variable Growth Curve Modeling 미리보기
Mast, B. T.; Allaire, J. C. Gerontological Society of America 2006
6477 저널기사 Verbal Learning and Memory: Does the Modal Model Still Work? 미리보기
Healy, A. F Annual Reviews 1980
6478 저널기사 Verballoscenine, the Z isomer of verbascenine from Verbascum phoeniceum 미리보기
Drandarov, K Pergamon Press 1997
6479 저널기사 Verbal Probabilities: A Question of Frame? 미리보기
Teigen, K. H.; Brun, W. WILEY 2003
6480 저널기사 Verbal Protocol Research in Auditing 미리보기
Klersey, G. F Pergamon Press 1989
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