641 |
The value of adaptability-Through the analysis of a firms prediction ability
Takii, K.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
642 |
The Value of Adjusting the Bias in Recommendations: International Evidence
Balboa, M.; Gomez-Sala, J. C.; Lopez-Espinosa, G.
Blackwell Publishers Ltd
643 |
The Value of Administered Protection: A Capital Market Approach
James C. Hartigan ; Philip R. Perry ; Sreenivas Kamma
M I T Press
644 |
The value of a dollar
Jackson, S. E.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
645 |
The value of advanced technology in meeting 2050 greenhouse gas emissions targets in the United States
Kyle, P.; Clarke, L.; Pugh, G.; Wise, M.; Calvin, K.; Edmonds, J.; Kim, S.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
646 |
The value of a `failed' R&D project: an emerging evaluation framework for building innovative capabilities
Elmquist, M.; Le Masson, P.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
647 |
The value of a flow-through entity in an integrated corporate tax system
Edwards, A.; Shevlin, T.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
648 |
The value of AFP in congenital cervical teratoma/
Tjalma, W. A
Grune and Stratton
649 |
The Value of a Life: New Evidence from the Marketplace.
Dardis Rachel
American Economic Assonication
650 |
The value of a metaphor
Mars, M. M.; Bronstein, J. L.; Lusch, R. F.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
651 |
The Value of an Heir Apparent in Succession Planning
Behn, B. K.; Riley, R. A.; Yang, Y. w.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
652 |
The Value of Animal Test Information in Environmental Control Decisions
Taylor, A. C.
653 |
The value of an informed bidder in common value auctions
Kim, J.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam
654 |
The Value of a Norm: Open Membership and the Horizon Problem in Cooperatives
Fulton, M.; Giannakas, K.
International Research Centre on Rural Cooperative Communities
655 |
The Value of a Nutritionally Enhanced Staple Crop: Results from a Choice Experiment Conducted with Orange-fleshed Sweet Potatoes in Mozambique
Naico, A. T.; Lusk, J. L.
Oxford University Press
656 |
The value of a positive margin for invasive carcinoma in breast-conservative treatment in relation to local recurrence is limited to young women only/
Jobsen, J. J
Pergamon Press
657 |
The value of a smile: Game theory with a human face
Scharlemann, J. P.
658 |
The value of asset allocation advice: Evidence from The Economist's quarterly portfolio poll
Annaert, J.; De Ceuster, M. J.; Van Hyfte, W.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
659 |
The value of a statistical life: A meta-analysis with a mixed effects regression model
Bellavance, F.; Dionne, G.; Lebeau, M.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
660 |
The Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from Panel Data
Kniesner, T.J.; Viscusi, W.K.; Woock, C.; Ziliak, J.P.
Dept. of Economics, Harvard University