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661 저널기사 The value of a statistical life in Chile 미리보기
Parada-Contzen, M.; Riquelme-Won, A. s.; Vasquez-Lavin, F. Physica-Verlag 2013
662 저널기사 The value of a statistical life under ambiguity aversion 미리보기
Treich, N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
663 저널기사 The value of a stochastic information structure 미리보기
Azrieli, Y.; Lehrer, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
664 저널기사 The value of a story in organisation learning 미리보기
665 저널기사 The value of auditing supply chains 미리보기
Fahmy Salama, K.; Luzzatto, D.; Sianesi, A.; Towill, D. R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
666 저널기사 The value of audit qualifications in China 미리보기
Czernkowski, R.; Green, W.; Wang, Y. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
667 저널기사 The value of automobile travel time: implications for congestion policy 미리보기
Calfee, J. ELSEVIER 1998
668 저널기사 The value of automobile travel time: Implications for congestion policy 미리보기
Calfee, John North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
669 저널기사 The Value of Autopsy in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery/ 미리보기
Sun, C.-C. J W. B. Saunders Co 2003
670 저널기사 The Value of Avoiding a Lulu: Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites 미리보기
V. Kerry Smith ; William H. Desvousges M I T Press
671 저널기사 The value of a Waters' projection/ 미리보기
Young, J Mosby-Year Book, Inc 2003
672 저널기사 The value of B2B relationships 미리보기
Gil-Saura, I.; Frasquet-Deltoro, M.; Cervera-Taulet, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
673 저널기사 The Value of Badger Populations and Control of Tuberculosis in Cattle in England and Wales: A Note: 미리보기
Bennett, R.; Willis, K. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD 2007
674 저널기사 The Value of Bank Durability: Borrowers as Bank Stakeholders 미리보기
Slovin, M. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 1993
675 저널기사 The value of banking relationships during a financial crisis: Evidence from failures of Japanese banks 미리보기
Brewer III, E.; Genay, H.; Hunter, W. C.; Kaufman, G. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2003
676 저널기사 The value of basic skills in the British labour market 미리보기
Vignoles, A.; De Coulon, A.; Marcenaro-Gutierrez, O. Oxford University Press 2011
677 저널기사 The Value of ``Bespoke'': Demand Learning, Preference Learning, and Customer Behavior 미리보기
Huang, Tingliang; Liang, Chao; Wang, Jingqi Institute of Management Sciences] 2018
678 저널기사 The value of Big 4 audits in Australia 미리보기
Azizkhani, M.; Monroe, G. S.; Shailer, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
679 저널기사 The Value of Big N Target Auditors in Corporate Takeovers 미리보기
Xie, Y.; Yi, H.S.; Zhang, Y. Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2013
680 저널기사 The Value of Biodiversity 미리보기
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