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741 저널기사 The value of dividend imputation tax credits in Australia 미리보기
Cannavan, D.; Finn, F.; Gray, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
742 저널기사 The value of doing what you like: Evidence from the self-employed in 23 countries 미리보기
Benz, M.; Frey, B. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
743 저널기사 The Value of Don Bradman: Additional Revenue in Australian Ashes Tests 미리보기
Blackham, J.; Chapman, B. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2004
744 저널기사 The value of durable bank relationships: evidence from Korean banking shocks 미리보기
Bae, K. H.; Kang, J. K.; Lim, C. W. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
745 저널기사 The value of dynamic pricing for cores in remanufacturing with backorders 미리보기
Xiong, Y.; Li, G. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
746 저널기사 The Value of Dynamic Pricing in Large Queueing Systems 미리보기
Kim, Jeunghyun; Randhawa, Ramandeep S. Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2018
747 저널기사 The Value of Dynamic Pricing in Mass Markets 미리보기
Faruqui, A.; George, S. S. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
748 저널기사 The value of early intervention 미리보기
Masengarb, Linda The Association 1996
749 저널기사 The Value of Earned Audiences-How Social Interactions Amplify TV Impact: What Programmers and Advertisers Can Gain from Earned Social Impressions 미리보기
Nagy, J.; Midha, A. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
750 저널기사 The Value of Economic Research 미리보기
Zilberman, D.; Heiman, A. AAEA 1997
751 저널기사 The value of economic research 미리보기
Zilberman, David American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
752 저널기사 The value of ecosystem services 미리보기
Costanza, R. ELSEVIER 1998
753 저널기사 The value of ecosystem services provided by the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System in the contiguous U.S. 미리보기
Ingraham, M. W.; Foster, S. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
754 저널기사 The value of ecosystem services: putting the issues in perspective 미리보기
Costanza, R. ELSEVIER 1998
755 저널기사 The value of ecosystem services: whose values? 미리보기
Opschoor, J. B. ELSEVIER 1998
756 저널기사 The value of education in a licensed profession: the choice of associate or baccalaureate degrees in nursing 미리보기
Spetz, J. PERGAMON 2002
757 저널기사 The value of empirical work: A personal view 미리보기
Makridakis, S. ELSEVIER 1993
758 저널기사 The Value of Employer-Sponsored Child Care to Employees 미리보기
Connelly, R.; Degraff, D. S.; Willis, R. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
759 저널기사 The Value of Environmental Information without Control of Subsequent Decisions 미리보기
von Winterfeldt, D.; Kavet, R.; Peck, S.; Mohan, M.; Hazen, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
760 저널기사 The Value of Event Networks and Platforms: Evidence From a Multiannual Cultural Program 미리보기
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