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7841 저널기사 Verification Bias and the Prostate-Specific Antigen Test - Is There a Case for a Lower Threshold for Biopsy?/ 미리보기
Schroder, F. H Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
7842 저널기사 Verification Bias in Screening for Prostate Cancer/ 미리보기
Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
7843 저널기사 Verification of 3D magnetic field distribution 미리보기
Sikora, R. JAMES & JAMES 1994
7844 저널기사 Verification of 3D magnetic field distribution 미리보기
Sikora, R.;Chady, T.;Komorowski, M.;Ziolkowski, M. James and James 1993
7845 저널기사 Verification of a building defect classification system for housing 미리보기
Georgiou, J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
7846 저널기사 Verification of a Cohesive Zone Model for Ductile Fracture 미리보기
Yuan, H American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
7847 저널기사 Verification of Anaerobic Biofilm Model for Phenol Degradation with Sulfate Reduction/ 미리보기
Lin, Yen H American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 2001
7848 저널기사 Verification of a prognostic meteorological and air pollution model for year-long predictions in the Kwinana industrial region of Western Australia/ 미리보기
Hurley, Peter J Pergamon 2001
7849 저널기사 Verification of Automated Pack Assembly 미리보기
7850 저널기사 Verification of Bohr's frequency condition and Moseley's law: An undergraduate laboratory experiment/ 미리보기
Gudennavar, S. B Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2003
7851 저널기사 Verification of Crystal Elastic Anisotropy Theory by Ultrasonic Diffraction Experiments / 미리보기
PAPADAKIS, EMMANUEL P Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
7852 저널기사 Verification of historical cost reports 미리보기
Arya, Anil American Accounting Association 1996
7853 저널기사 Verification of Historical Cost Reports by an Economic Agent 미리보기
7854 저널기사 Verification of hot hole scattering rates in silicon by quantum-yield experiment 미리보기
Kamakura, Yoshinari American Institute of Physics 2000
7855 저널기사 Verification of Improved Patient Outcomes With a Partially Implantable Hearing Aid, The SOUNDTEC Direct Hearing System/ 미리보기
Roland, Peter S Laryngoscope 2001
7856 저널기사 Verification of Knowledge Assets in Electronic Repositories: Expert- and Community-Governance 미리보기
Kayhan, V.; Davis, C.; Collins, R.; Bhattacherjee, A. Auerbach 2013
7857 저널기사 Verification of magnetic field gradient effects on medium convection and cell adhesion/ 미리보기
Iwasaka, M American Institute of Physics 2003
7858 저널기사 Verification of Proposed Design Methodologies for Effective Width of Slabs in Slab-Column Frames 미리보기
Grossman, J. S American Concrete Institute 1980
7859 저널기사 Verification of Protein Structures: Side-Chain Planarity 미리보기
Hooft, R. W. W Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
7860 저널기사 Verification of Radical and Anionic Polymerization Mechanisms in the Sulfinyl and the Gilch Route/ 미리보기
Hontis, L American Chemical Society 2003
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