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8481 저널기사 Vernonia and Epoxidized Linseed and Soybean Oils: As Low Yellowing Diluents in Alkyd Coatings 미리보기
8482 저널기사 Vernoniosides and an Androstane Glycoside From Vernonia Kotschyana 미리보기
Sanogo, R Pergamon Press 1998
8483 저널기사 Vernon L. Smith 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
8484 저널기사 Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson, Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society 미리보기
Michael D. Thomas History of Economics Society 2021
8485 저널기사 Vernon L. Smith, Research in Experimental Economics: A Research Annual (1979) 미리보기
James W. Friedman University of Chicago Press
8486 저널기사 VERNON (RAYMOND), (Ed.). The Promise of Privatisation: A Challenge for American Foreign Policy 미리보기
Horesh, Edward;; unknown 1990
8487 저널기사 Vernon Smith: economics as a laboratory science 미리보기
Eckel, C. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
8488 저널기사 Vernon Valentine Palmer and Elspeth Christie Reid (eds.). Mixed Jurisdictions Compared: Private Law in Louisiana and Scotland 미리보기
8489 저널기사 Vernon W. Ruttan, Agricultural Research Policy 미리보기
D. Gale Johnson University of Chicago Press
8490 저널기사 Vernünftige Freiheit 미리보기
Denninger, Erhard Verlag für Staatswissenschaften und Geschichte 2022
8491 저널기사 Vero-Cytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 in Pasteurized Milk Containers at the Point of Retail: A Qualitative Approach to Exposure Assessment 미리보기
Clough, H. E.; Clancy, D.; French, N. P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
8492 저널기사 Vero cytotoxin produced by Escherichia coli strains of animal origin / 미리보기
Kashiwazaki, M National Institute of Animal Health 1981
8493 저널기사 Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli infection and private farm visits/ 미리보기
Willshaw, G. A The Association 2003
8494 저널기사 Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in the Swedish pig population/ 미리보기
Eriksson, E The Association 2003
8495 저널기사 Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia Coli O157 on a farm open to the public: outbreak investigation and longitudinal bacteriological study/ 미리보기
Pritchard, G C The Association 2000
8496 저널기사 Veröffentlichung der aktualisierten E-Bilanz-Taxonomien 6.4 미리보기
Henning Burlein; Alexander Höhn Handelsblatt. 2020
8497 저널기사 Veröffentlichung der BFH-Urteile vom 17.12.2014 – I R 23/13 und vom 24.06.2015 – I R 29/14 미리보기
Handelsblatt. 2016
8498 저널기사 Veröffentlichung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, Band 81: Machtverschiebungen – Referate und Diskussionen der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtlehrer in Mannheim vom 6. bis 9. Oktober 2021 (Klaus Rennert) 미리보기
W. Kohlhammer 2022
8499 저널기사 Veröffentlichung des BFH-Urteils vom 26.08.2010 – I R 53/09 미리보기
Handelsblatt. 2019
8500 저널기사 Veröffentlichung des Zwischenberichts durch den Sustainable Finance-Beirat 미리보기
Handelsblatt. 2020
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