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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
8681 저널기사 Versatile Chemical Sensors Take Two Steps Forward 미리보기
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
8682 저널기사 Versatile Collagens in Invertebrates 미리보기
Engel, J American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
Pecara, D.V American Medical Association 1955
8684 저널기사 Versatile Functionalization of Carbohydrate Hydroxyl Groups through Their O-Cyanomethyl Ethers 미리보기
Malet, C American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
8685 저널기사 Versatile, Functional Protable Cutting Table Moves with the Class / 미리보기
Luce Prakken Publications 1990
8686 저널기사 Versatile Grinding for Medium to High Volumes 미리보기
Penton 1980
8687 저널기사 Versatile hosiery dyeing specialist 미리보기
8688 저널기사 Versatile Insertion Plasmids for Targeted Genome Manipulations in Bacteria: Isolation, Deletion, and Rescue of the Pathogenicity Island LEE of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Genome 미리보기
Posfai, G American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
8689 저널기사 Versatile Kirchhoff Code for Aeroacoustic Predictions (TN) 미리보기
Lyrintzis, A American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1997
8690 저널기사 Versatile ligand behaviour of phenyl 2-pyridyl ketone benzoylhydrazone in paliadium(II) complexes 미리보기
Bacchi, A Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
8691 저널기사 Versatile Light Table Serves Drafting, Graphic Arts Labs / 미리보기
George Educational Press Association of America 1988
8692 저널기사 Versatile Novel Syntheses of Imidazoles 미리보기
Rolfs, A American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
8693 저널기사 Versatile Potato Sets New Trends : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1987
8694 저널기사 Versatile Program Calculates Perimeter, Area, and Volume / 미리보기
Garrison 1986
8695 저널기사 Versatile Regulation of Cytosolic Ca^2^+ by Vanilloid Receptor I in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons 미리보기
Liu, M.; Liu, M.-C.; Magoulas, C.; Priestley, J. V.; Willmott, N. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
8696 저널기사 Versatile Route to Polyol Polyesters by Lipase Catalysis/ 미리보기
Kumar, A American Chemical Society 2003
8697 저널기사 Versatile solid-phase thiolytic reduction of azido and N-Dts groups in the synthesis of haemoglobin (67-76) O-glycopeptides and photoaffinity labelled analogues to study glycan T-cell specificity 미리보기
Meinjohanns, E Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
8698 저널기사 Versatile stereocontrol in kinetic resolution of a diphenylphosphinyl-protected �amino aldehyde by reaction with chiral phosphonates 미리보기
Kreuder, R Pergamon Press 1980
8699 저널기사 Versatile synthesis of bicyclo[4.3.0]nonenes and bicyclo[4.4.0]decenes by a domino Heck-Diels-Alder reaction 미리보기
Kiah How Ang Pergamon Press 1980
8700 저널기사 Versatile Synthesis of Dihydroquinolines and Quinoline Quinones Using Cyclobutenediones. Construction of the Pyridoacridine Ring System 미리보기
Zhang, D American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
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