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9161 저널기사 Vertical bone reconstruction of the atrophic posterior mandible utilizing mandibular block autografts/ 미리보기
Pikos, M. A American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2003
9162 저널기사 Vertical Boundaries and Endogenous Intensity of Social Comparison 미리보기
Kopel, Michael; Ressi, Anna J. C. B. Mohr 2019
9163 저널기사 Vertical boundary at x=0.11 in the structural phase diagram of the La1-xSrxMnO3 system (0.08<=x<=0.125) (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Cox, D E 2001
9164 저널기사 Vertical Brand Extension at Vinamilk, Vietnam. 미리보기
Nguyen, Quang Tri John Wiley & Sons (Asia) 2016
9165 저널기사 Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with low-ripple optical pump bands 미리보기
Knopp, K. J American Institute of Physics 1980
9166 저널기사 Vertical cavity violet light emitting diode incorporating an aluminum gallium nitride distributed Bragg mirror and a tunnel junction/ 미리보기
Diagne, M American Institute of Physics 2001
9167 저널기사 Vertical coherence of ambient noise in shallow water overlying a fluid seabed 미리보기
Deane, G. B American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
9168 저널기사 Vertical contracting between airlines: An equilibrium analysis of codeshare alliances 미리보기
Chen, Y.; Gayle, P. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
9169 저널기사 Vertical Contracting with Informational Opportunism 미리보기
Dequiedt, Vianney; Martimort, David American Economic Association 2015
9170 저널기사 Vertical Contracts with Endogenous Product Selection: An Empirical Analysis of Vendor Allowance Contracts 미리보기
S. Hristakeva University of Chicago Press 2022
9171 저널기사 Vertical Control By Labor Unions. 미리보기
Warren-Boulton Frederick R. American Economic Assonication
9172 저널기사 Vertical control of a distribution network-an empirical analysis of magazines 미리보기
Ferrari, S.; Verboven, F. Rand Corp. 2012
9173 저널기사 Vertical Control of Cournot Wholesalers in Spatial Competition: Exclusive Territories? Or Maximum Retail Price Stipulations? 미리보기
Tatsuhiko Nariu ; David Flath Berkeley Electronic Press
9174 저널기사 Vertical Control with Variable Proportions 미리보기
Frederick R. Warren-Boulton University of Chicago Press
9175 저널기사 Vertical coordination and structural change in the pork industry: Discussion 미리보기
Boehlje, Michael American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
9176 저널기사 Vertical Coordination and Structural Change in the Pork Industry: Discussion 미리보기
Boehlje, M. AAEA 1995
9177 저널기사 Vertical Coordination and Structural Change in the Pork Industry: Discussion 미리보기
Boehlje, M American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
9178 저널기사 Vertical coordination, financial structure, and the changing theory of the firm 미리보기
Barry, Peter J American Agricultural Economics Association 1992
9179 저널기사 Vertical coordination in the swine industry: A multi-country study 미리보기
Srivastava, R. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
9180 저널기사 Vertical coordination through renegotiation 미리보기
Bedre-Defolie, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
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