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9221 저널기사 Vertical equity consequences of very high cigarette tax increases: If the poor are the ones smoking, how could cigarette tax increases be progressive? 미리보기
Colman, G. J.; Remler, D. K. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2008
9222 저널기사 Vertical evolution of gravity wave spectra and the parameterization of associated wave drag 미리보기
Medvedev, A. S William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9223 저널기사 Vertical exchange reaction in (Ga, In)As during migration-enhanced epitaxy 미리보기
Harris, S American Institute of Physics 1980
9224 저널기사 Vertical Expansion: A Solution for Future Container Terminals 미리보기
Zaerpour, Nima; Gharehgozli, Amir; De Koster, René Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS 2019
9225 저널기사 Vertical expansion in the Malaysian textile industry. Ramalex Berhad claims to be the largest knilwear company within Malaysia/ 미리보기
Tait, N 2003
9226 저널기사 Vertical externalities in cigarette taxation: Do tax revenues go up in smoke? 미리보기
Fredriksson, P. G.; Mamun, K. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
9227 저널기사 Vertical externalities in tax setting: evidence from gasoline and cigarettes 미리보기
Besley, T. J. ELSEVIER 1998
9228 저널기사 Vertical externalities in tax setting: Evidence from gasoline and cigarettes 미리보기
Besley, Timothy J North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
9229 저널기사 Vertical Externality and Strategic Delegation 미리보기
Park, E.-S. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2002
9230 저널기사 Vertical fibril structure within solar prominences 미리보기
Steele, C. D. C Springer-Verlag 1980
9231 저널기사 Vertical fiscal externalities in a federation 미리보기
Dahlby, B.; Wilson, L. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
9232 저널기사 Vertical Flexibility in Supply Chains 미리보기
Hopp, W.J.; Iravani, S.M.R.; Xu, W.L. Institute of Management Sciences] 2010
9233 저널기사 Vertical Floor Pressures During Filling of a Full-scale Grain Bin 미리보기
Thompson, S. A American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
9234 저널기사 Vertical fluxes of particulate matter in Aarhus Bight, Denmark 미리보기
Pejrup, M Pergamon Press 1980
9235 저널기사 Vertical Fluxes of Potential Vorticity and the Structure of the Thermocline/ 미리보기
Marshall, David P American Meteorological Society 2000
9236 저널기사 Vertical Flux of Biogenic Carbon in the Ocean: Is There Food Web Control? 미리보기
Rivkin, R. B American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
9237 저널기사 Vertical fogwater flux measurements above an elevated forest canopy at the Lageren research site, Switzerland/ 미리보기
Burkard, R Pergamon 2003
9238 저널기사 Vertical Foreclosure in Experimental Markets 미리보기
Martin, S. Rand Corp. 2001
9239 저널기사 Vertical Foreclosure, Technological Choice, and Entry on the Intermediate Market 미리보기
Avenel, E. MIT PRESS 2000
9240 저널기사 Vertical foreclosure versus downstream competition with capital precommitment 미리보기
Baake, P.; Kamecke, U.; Normann, H. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
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