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9301 저널기사 Vertical integration: Synergy or seduction? 미리보기
Campbell, Andrew Pergamon Press 1995
9302 저널기사 Vertical Integration: The Economics that Electricity Forgot 미리보기
Michaels, R. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
9303 저널기사 Vertical Integration: The Monopsony Case. 미리보기
Perry Martin K. American Economic Assonication
9304 저널기사 Vertical integration to avoid contracting with potential competitors: Evidence from bankers' banks 미리보기
Brickley, J. A.; Linck, J. S.; Smith, C. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
CHEN, C. S.; HWANG, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
9306 저널기사 Vertical Integration, Tying, and Antitrust Policy. 미리보기
Blair Roger D. ; Kaserman David L. American Economic Assonication
9307 저널기사 Vertical Integration with Price-Setting Competitive Newsvendors 미리보기
Wu, C.; Petruzzi, N. C.; Chhajed, D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
9308 저널기사 Vertical intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia 미리보기
Fukao, K.; Ishido, H.; Ito, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2003
9309 저널기사 Vertical Intra-industry Trade and Fragmentation: An Empirical Examination of the US Auto-parts Industry 미리보기
Trkcan, K.; Ates, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
9310 저널기사 Vertical intra-industry trade in higher and lower quality: a new approach of measuring country-specific determinants 미리보기
Pittiglio, R.; Reganati, F. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
9311 저널기사 Verticalization: The Impact of Channel Strategy on Product Brand Loyalty and the Role of Involvement in the Fashion Industry 미리보기
Schramm-Klein, H.; Morschett, D.; Swoboda, B. Association for Consumer Research 2008
9312 저널기사 Vertical jump performance in soccer players. A comparative study of two training programmes / 미리보기
Gauffin, H Teviot Scientific 1989
9313 저널기사 Vertical Keiretsu and International Market Entry: The Case of the Japanese Automobile Ancillary Industry 미리보기
Kunal Banerji ; Rakesh B. Sambharya Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
9314 저널기사 Vertical Keiretsu and Knowledge Spillovers in Japanese Manufacturing: An Empirical Assessment 미리보기
Branstetter, L. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 2000
9315 저널기사 Vertical layer distribution and atomic step height of ultrathin Co filmson Cu(001) determined by lattice G-factor analysis 미리보기
Poserow, B North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
9316 저널기사 Vertical-layer organisation of microbial communities the wood biogeocenoses / 미리보기
Zvyagintsev, D.G s.n.] 1993
9317 저널기사 Vertical linkages and agglomeration effects in Japanese FDI in Thailand 미리보기
Milner, C.; Reed, G.; Talerngsri, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2006
9318 저널기사 Vertical Linkages and the Collapse of Global Trade 미리보기
Bems, R.; Johnson, R.C.; Yi, K.-M. American Economic Association 2011
9319 저널기사 Vertical longitudinal magnetoresistance of semiconductor superlattices (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Pusep, Yu A 2001
9320 저널기사 Vertically Aligned and Electronically Coupled Growth Induced InAs Islands in GaAs 미리보기
Solomon, G. S American Physical Society 1980
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