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9321 저널기사 Vertically Averaged and Moment Equations Model for Flow over Curved Beds 미리보기
Khan, A. A American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
9322 저널기사 Vertically coordinated agricultural firms: Discussion 미리보기
Belden, Sanford American Agricultural Economics Association 1992
9323 저널기사 Vertically Differentiated Monopoly with a Positional Good 미리보기
Lambertini, L.; Orsini, R. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
9324 저널기사 Vertically Differentiated Simultaneous Vickrey Auctions: Theory and Experimental Evidence 미리보기
Bapna, R.; Dellarocas, C.; Rice, S. Institute of Management Sciences] 2010
9325 저널기사 Vertically faceted lateral overgrowth of GaN on SiC with conducting buffer layers using pulsed metalorganic chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Qhalid Fareed, R S American Institute of Physics 2000
9326 저널기사 Vertically globalized production structure in New Keynesian Phillips curve 미리보기
Wong, C. Y.; Eng, Y. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
9327 저널기사 Vertically integrated firms' investments in electricity generating capacities 미리보기
Boom, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
9328 저널기사 Vertically Integrated Measures of the Rate of Profit in the United States, 1950-90 미리보기
9329 저널기사 Vertically Integrated North-South Trade and the Redux Model 미리보기
Garcia-Cebro, J. A.; Varela-Santamaria, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
9330 저널기사 Vertically Integrated Utilities: The Regulators' Poison'd Chalice 미리보기
Stelzer, I. M. ROBERT O. MARRITZ 1997
9331 저널기사 Vertically stacked coupler and serially grafted waveguide: Hybrid waveguide structures formed using an electro-optic polymer 미리보기
Watanabe, T American Institute of Physics 1980
9332 저널기사 Vertical magnetic structure of ocean crust determined from near-bottom magnetic field measurements 미리보기
Tivey, M. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9333 저널기사 Vertical magnetotransport through a quantum dot in the R-matrix formalism (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Onac, E 2001
9334 저널기사 Vertical magneto-tunneling through a quantum dot and the density of states of small electronic systems/ 미리보기
Capote, Roberto Gonzalez, Augusto North-Holland 2001
9335 단행본 Vertical marketing systems 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Edited by Louis P. Bucklin Scott Foresman 1970
9336 저널기사 Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the Agri-Food Industry 미리보기
Colman, D. Mouton 2007
9337 저널기사 Vertical Mass Flux Calculations in Hawaiian Trade Cumulus Clouds from Dual-Doppler Radar 미리보기
Grinnell, S. A American Meteorological Society 1980
9338 저널기사 Vertical merger, collusion, and disruptive buyers 미리보기
Nocke, V.; White, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
9339 저널기사 Vertical merger: monopolization for downstream quasi-rents 미리보기
Higgins, R. S. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
9340 저널기사 Vertical mergers and downstream spatial competition with different product varieties 미리보기
Beladi, H.; Chakrabarti, A.; Marjit, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
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