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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
9341 저널기사 Vertical Mergers and Firm-Specific Physical Capital: Three Case Studies and Some Evidence on Timing 미리보기
9342 저널기사 Vertical mergers and firm-specific physical capital: Three case studies and some evidence on timing 미리보기
Weiss, Avi Blackwell 1994
9343 저널기사 Vertical Mergers and the Balance of Trade 미리보기
Pan, C.-M. JOHN WILEY & SONS 1995
9344 저널기사 Vertical mergers in procurement markets 미리보기
Thomas, C. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
9345 저널기사 Vertical Mergers, Market Powers, and the Antitrust Laws 미리보기
Comanor William S. American Economic Assonication
9346 저널기사 Vertical microscale patchiness in nano- and microplankton distributions in a stratified estuary/ 미리보기
Mouritsen, L. T Information Retrieval Inc.] 2003
9347 저널기사 Vertical Migration in the Sediment-Dwelling Sulfur Bacteria Thioploca spp. in Overcoming Diffusion Limitations 미리보기
Huettel, M American Society for Microbiology. 1980
9348 저널기사 Vertical mixing above a steady circular source of buoyancy/ 미리보기
Epstein, Michael Pergamon Press 2001
9349 저널기사 Vertical Mixing and Transports through a Stratified Shear Layer/ 미리보기
Strang, E J American Meteorological Society 2001
9350 저널기사 Vertical Mixing in the Equatorial Pacific along 150� in March 1988 미리보기
Carr, M.-E American Meteorological Society 1980
9351 저널기사 Vertical Most-Favored-Nation Restraints and Credit Card No-Surcharge Rules 미리보기
Carlton, Dennis W.; Winter, Ralph A. University of Chicago Press 2018
9352 저널기사 Vertical Motion Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones Determined with Airborne Doppler Radial Velocities 미리보기
Black, M. L American Meteorological Society 1980
9353 저널기사 Vertical motion in the Gulf Stream and its relation to meanders 미리보기
Lindstrom, S. S William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9354 저널기사 Vertical movement of center of gravity in the gait of transfemoral amputees. Sun G. Chung, MD, PhD (Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea); TaiRyoon Han, MD, PhD, e-mail: suncg@plaza.snu.ac.kr/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
9355 저널기사 Vertical movements following intracontinental magmatism: An example fromsouthern Israel 미리보기
Gvirtzman, Z William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9356 단행본 Vertical natural gas transportation capacity, upstream commodity contracts, and EU competition law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Kim Talus Kluwer Law International ; Aspen Publishers [distributor] 2011 URL
9357 저널기사 Vertical Networks and US Auto Parts Exports: Is Japan Different? 미리보기
Head, K.; Ries, J.; Spencer, B. J. MIT PRESS 2004
9358 저널기사 Vertical Networks, Integration, and Connectivity 미리보기
Dogan, P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
9359 저널기사 Vertical Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Concentrations Measured From a Tethered Balloon in the Lower Fraser Valley 미리보기
Pisano, J. T Pergamon 1997
9360 저널기사 Vertical Orienting Control: Evidence for Attentional Bias and "Neglect" in the Intact Brain 미리보기
Drain, M American Psychological Association 1980
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