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9421 저널기사 Vertical Trade Specialization and the Formation of North-South PTAs 미리보기
Mark S. Manger Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 2012
9422 저널기사 Vertical transmission, de novo, and expansion of Y chromosome microdeletion in male fetuses pregnant after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)/ 미리보기
Kim, H. A American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
9423 저널기사 Vertical transmission of culture and the distribution of family names/ 미리보기
9424 저널기사 Vertical transport of tropospheric aerosols as indicated by ^7Be and ^2^1^0Pb in a chemical tracer model 미리보기
Koch, D. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9425 저널기사 Vertical trust/mistrust during information strategy formation 미리보기
Allen, D.; Wilson, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
9426 저널기사 Vertical turning in an aerospace shop 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
9427 저널기사 Vertical (Two-Layer) Skin Grafting: New Reserves for Autologic Skin/ 미리보기
Kogan, L Little, Brown] 2003
9428 저널기사 Vertical Uplift Capacity of Horizontal Anchors: Closure 미리보기
Bouazza, A American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
9429 저널기사 Vertical Velocities and Transports in the Equatorial Pacific during 1993-99/ 미리보기
Meinen, Christopher S American Meteorological Society 2001
9430 저널기사 Vertical versus horizontal tax externalities: An empirical test 미리보기
Brulhart, M.; Jametti, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
9431 저널기사 Vertical Versus Horizontal Variance in Online Reviews and Their Impact on Demand 미리보기
N. Lee ; B. Bollinger ; R. Staelin American Marketing Association] 2023
9432 저널기사 Vertical versus Wise Pattern Breast Reduction: Patient Satisfaction, Revision Rates, and Complications/ 미리보기
Cruz-Korchin, N Williams & Wilkins 2003
9433 저널기사 Vertical versus Wise Pattern Breast Reduction: Patient Satisfaction, Revision Rates, and Complications Discussion/ 미리보기
Nahai, F Williams & Wilkins 2003
9434 저널기사 Vertical Vibration of a Deep Bed of Granular Material in a Container 미리보기
Wassgren, C. R American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
9435 저널기사 Vertical vs. horizontal integration: Pre-emptive merging 미리보기
Colangelo, Giuseppe Blackwell 1995
9436 저널기사 Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration: Pre-emptive Merging 미리보기
9437 저널기사 Vertical vs Horizontal Integration: Pre-emptive Merging: A Correction 미리보기
Colangelo, G. unknown 1997
9438 저널기사 Vertical wavenumber spectra of wind and temperature from high-resolutionballoon soundings over Illinois 미리보기
Nastrom, G. D William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
9439 저널기사 Vertical Yield Stress of Pisa Clay from Piezocone Tests/ 미리보기
Jamiolkowski, Michele American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
9440 저널기사 Vertical Zonation of Epiphytic Algae Associated with Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. Pneumatophores at Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve, Durban, South Africa 미리보기
Phillips, A de Gruyter 1980
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