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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
10521 저널기사 Vested Interests and the Common Man as Seen Through Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Flooding Wall Street or Main Street? 미리보기
Vidal, Gregorio; Marshall, Wesley C. Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2017
10522 저널기사 Vested Interests and the Common People in Developing Countries: Understanding Oppressive Societies and Their Effects 미리보기
Vanderslice, Lane Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2017
10523 저널기사 `Vested Interests' Nixed New Zealand CGT, Commission Chair Says 미리보기
Tax Analysts 2019
10524 저널기사 Vested interests, population ageing and technology adoption 미리보기
Canton, E. J.; de Groot, H. L.; Nahuis, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2002
10525 저널기사 Vested Interests: The Federal Felon Body-Armor Ban and the Continuing Vitality of Scarborough v. United States 미리보기
McEvily, C.P. Georgetown Law Journal Association 2012
10526 저널기사 Vested Interest, Symbolic Politics, and Attitude-Behavior Consistency 미리보기
Crano, W. D American Psychological Association 1980
10527 저널기사 Vested Vacation Pay Plans: Change in Accounting Treatment. 미리보기
Elder, Peter Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
10528 저널기사 Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Brainstem Stroke/ 미리보기
Chen, C.-H Laryngoscope 2003
10529 저널기사 Vestibular Neuritis/ 미리보기
Baloh, R. W Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
10530 저널기사 Vestibular perception in patients with acquired ophthalmoplegia/ 미리보기
Grunfeld, E. A Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2003
10531 저널기사 Vestibular schwannoma screening: closing the audit loop/ 미리보기
Dawes, Patrick J D Headley Brothers 2001
10532 저널기사 Vestibular signs associated with suspected lightning strike in two horses/ 미리보기
Bedenice, D The Association 2001
10533 저널기사 Vestibulo-vaginal hypoplasia in a mare 미리보기
Freeman, S. L The Association 1997
10534 저널기사 Vestibulovaginal stenosis in dogs: 18 cases (1987-1995) 미리보기
Kyles, A. E American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
10535 저널기사 Vestiges of Transit: Urban Persistence at a Microscale 미리보기
Brooks, Leah; Lutz, Byron Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2019
10536 저널기사 Vesting, Thomas und Stefan Korioth (Hrsg.). Der Eigenwert des Verfassungsrechts. Was bleibt von der Verfassung nach der Globalisierung? 미리보기
10537 저널기사 [V(eta^5-C~5H~5)]~2C~8H~6: a bimetallic pentalene-bridged complex with multiple bonding between the metal atoms/ 미리보기
Jones, S. C Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
10538 저널기사 VET BIOLOGICS intrastate/export license exemption provided 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
10539 저널기사 Vet criticised for breach of cattle id regulations/ 미리보기
The Association 2003
10540 저널기사 VET DRUG clearances, intake data asked by Codex panel 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1988
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