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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
10661 저널기사 Veterinary research - A national issue 미리보기
Hare, D Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 1980
10662 저널기사 Veterinary research: funding and manpower concerns aired at Scarborough 미리보기
The Association 1997
10663 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From the AVMA; Grant Proposals Invited; Invitations; Legislative Actions; Regulatory Actions/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2000
10664 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From the AVMA; News of the Profession; The Veterinary Community; Research Results/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10665 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From theAVMA; Regulatory Actions; The Veterinary Community; Proposals Invited/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10666 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From the AVMA; Research in Progress; The Veterinary Community/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10667 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From the AVMA; The Veterinary Community; Funding Announced; Proposals, Abstracts Invited; Research Results/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10668 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - From the AVMA; The Veterinary Community; Funding Announced; Regulatory Actions/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10669 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Global News; News of the Profession; Funding Announced; From the AVMA; Research Results; Abstracts Invited; Invitations; The Research Community/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2000
10670 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Grant Proposals Invited; From the AVMA; News of the Profession; Funding Announced; The Veterinary Community; Research in Progress/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10671 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Regulatory Action; Research in Progress; Research Results; The Veterinary Community From the AVMA; Informational Resources; Grant Proposals Invited/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10672 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Regulatory Actions; From the AVMA; Research in Progress; Funding Announced; Accolades/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2000
10673 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Regulatory Actions; Research in Progress; The Research Community; From the AVMA; Grant Proposals Invited; Call for Speakers; Funding Announced/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2000
10674 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Research in Progress; Regulatory Actions; The Veterinary Community; Proposals, Abstracts Invited; From the AVMA; Informational Resources/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10675 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Research Results; From the AVMA; The Veterinary Community; Funding Announced; Grant Proposals Invited/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10676 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - Research Results; The Veterinary Community, From the AVMA; Abstracts Invited; Business World; Global News/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10677 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - The Veterinary Community; From the AVMA; Funding Announced/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10678 저널기사 VETERINARY RESEARCH NEWS - The Veterinary Community; From the AVMA; Research in Progress/ 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 2001
10679 저널기사 Veterinary restorative dentistry-2: cavity preparation / 미리보기
Tholen, M Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
10680 저널기사 Veterinary restorative dentistry - 3 : 미리보기
Tholen, M Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
맨앞 이전 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 다음 맨뒤
